what does cr mean in warrior cats 633K views Discover short videos related to what does cr mean in warrior cats on TikTok. Finalized original character- Magpie by Diablo. Mouse Length: about the length of mouse, so approximately a couple inches in length. Sometimes, when a battle is fought (these words may be added just in general) or a mentor deems their apprentice worthy, these words are added: Leader: [Mentor], has your apprentice, [apprentice name], learned the skills of a warrior? Used by Graypaw in Into the Wild describing how dangerous a fox could be. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. (You're) crazier than a fox in a fit! Warrior Apprentice: A warrior apprentice, usually shortened to apprentice, is a young cat who has chosen the path of a warrior and is at least 6 moons old. ); similar to "Darn it" or "mouse-dung.". in usage and to the fact that they both have mention of a higher force. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics. Daisy, Ferncloud). Deputy is a pretty simple role in a Clan, if you know what you are doing. May StarClan light your path/Banish all the fleas from your nest - A friendly term used to tell others they wish them well. Warrior cats Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. `Gather around for patrols!` ``Yes, you will be fine.`` Tundra`Dusk, just listen to Blizzard`Sight, alright? These are a few ways to speak in roleplay. Medicine cat - A cat who heals injuries and/or illnesses, who is skilled with herbs, leaves and natural cures and sometimes receives special signs or prophecies from StarClan. Only Thundersnakes travel on them. You may also name your OC after something in the physical world (e.g. Released by: Scaredy-mouse! It's a very helpful tool to familiarize yourself with the ways of the Clans. 15 August 2019[2] - An exclamation used meaning "How in the world?" or "What in the world?". Anne Savisa Boonchuy ( ) is the protagonist of Amphibia. Sunup - Dawn. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. They do the duties assigned to them by the leader, deputy, and medicine cat(s). : she padded over to the fresh-kill pile:. This is normally the case unless your OC was a former rogue/loner or kittypet, and they join a Clan. A part of ShadowClan territory that is the last resource for fresh-kill . If you are being a kittypet, roleplaying with multiple people makes the game a lot more fun and enjoyable. Frog-dung - Same as fox-dung, except it's often used in RiverClan. If you would like to use them, see Ceremonies. A fight will not break out among Clans at this time. As much use as a dead fox - A (harsh) insult, meaning the recipient is useless. I'd have shredded you into mousedust! Moonhigh: the time of night the moon is at it's highest: normally midnight. After death or retirement of the deputy, a new deputy will be chosen before moonhigh. in usage and to the fact that they both have mention of a higher force. Pain in the tail - An insult meaning a cat is irritating or lazy. Warrior - A mature cat who has completed his or her warrior training. StarClan's kits! Crowfood or crow-food A dead prey animal that has begun to rot; can also be used as an insult. [2] (You're) crazier than. Power playing is when you are roleplaying unrealistically, whether that be fighting unreasonably strong, or roleplaying with magical powers. Create your own Warrior Cats, and your own story. Choose the path of a Warrior, a Medicine Cat, or perhaps even a Clan Leader! Explore the Forest Territory and the Clans who inhabit it Develop friendships, alliances, and identify your foes! (30 cm), Rabbit hop or rabbit length - About a foot and a half away. Crow-Food: Rotting food. Want to edit and see less ads? The tunnel splits into two. Also used as an exclamation. Fighting here is against the warrior code. Medicine cats are highly honored in the Clans. Always end in kit, except for the exception of a few "crazies. An online RPG where players can play as their own character in the Warriors universe with others. Your mentor will be [name of warrior or medicine cat]. For one, we'll start early on in Warrior lore. An experienced leader is very important, especially if you are aiming for a realistic roleplay. When hedgehogs will fly - An exclamation style statement that shows disbelief that a certain event will likely occur (as in That will happen when hedgehogs fly), used in many variations. This shows grade level based on the word's complexity. A cat lies on the ground, talking, while the other grooms their fur, listening. They are normally shy, and can be frightened at the thought of getting lost, or leaving their Twolegplace. Thundersnake - A train. 13. British English and American English are only different when it comes to slang words. Partly this is tradition as old as the history of warrior Islam. ms, too, although theirs relate to things found in the world of the Clan cats. Sometimes used as an exclamation if a cat is hurt. An example of powerplaying as a Clan cat could look like this: {she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes}. That includes hunting, patrolling borders, sometimes collecting herbs, and taking care of simple camp tasks. Can you expose the truth in these two riddles? 4 meanings of CR abbreviation related to Roleplaying: Vote. Use the word comparison feature to learn the differences between similar and commonly confused words. They're the closest to Starclan.Monster:Usually refers to twoleg machines, such as cars and bulldozers.Moon:One month, or four weeks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Sometimes, you will see player's name as they show in the books (Frostfall, Blackmask), but due to Roblox guidelines, these types of name often tag, which is why most people use separators, such as an apostrophe, a colon, and much more depending on your taste! Frog-dirt and Fish-guts - Used in RiverClan, has the same meaning as thistles and thorns, used in Crookedstar's Promise. Just remember, while you are roleplaying, to use all your experience so you don't get misunderstood. (i.e., You've got bees in your brain!). 12. From today until you receive your full warrior/medicine cat name, you will be known as [kit's prefix + paw at end]. Queen - A she-cat with kits to take care of or who is pregnant with kits, or stays in the nursery helping other queens even though they have no kits. Instead, you'll either clean the elders fur, hunt extra ammount of prey or whatever your mentor (if you have one), deputy, leader, or I decide. Crowfood - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to rotting prey animals (as in I'll turn you into crowfood! I hope they will pass all they know on to you. You undergo this eight more times until you get your ninth life, for which the last life giver says this: 9th Life Giver: I hail you by your new name, [original prefix]star. - A harsh phrase used to describe a cat with kittypet roots. Mothermouth - The opening to the cave where the Moonstone is/was located. [Extra: Do not run away as it can be very annoying and no one cares to come after you!]. Not only does it upset and often annoy the people trying to play, but it disrupts the roleplay altogether. A gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. It is very similar to a warrior, but has higher tasks and is more "important" at certain times. Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. Writing your name as "scar claw" is not the way to go. [Apprentice name], from this moment on you will be known as [new warrior name]. Often described when cats are near Twolegs/the Thunderpath. Thunderpath: A human road which is named for the loud thunder-like sound when monsters roll down it. Fox Length: About the length of a fox, so about a meter or 3 feet in length. Instead, you might see names written like this: "Salamander'foot," "Cloud/Star," "Sea ` Paw," etc. Greenleaf Twolegplace: a place where humans only visit in the summer. Naomi Dare, the Digital Director at the Coolabi Group, describes the game as: Finalized original character- Tailfur by Vector Sigma. prefix: Ghost, suffix: Gaze - Ghostgaze). Used in Crookedstar's Promise. 10. A cat calling you to be similar to a piece of fox dung. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal their Clan in accordance with your will. Furball - A (friendly, yet harsh) insult. Never hunt or trespass onto another Clan's territory. (Only) StarClan knows (what) - Sometimes used to answer a question that is impossible to answer. Monster A vehicle operated by humans. Tabbies don't change their stripes - means that a cat doesn't change their nature. Sun-drown-place - An ocean to the west of the Clans' territories. Promotional artwork Moon- A month or 29 days (can be said "it's been a moon" "it's been three moons ever since___". Used inThe Sun Trail. Warrior Terms: Apprentices: A cat of six moons or older, in training to become a warrior. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition brings the "Warriors" series off the written page and into the Roblox world! Create your own Warrior Cats, and your own story. Choose the path of a Warrior, a Medicine Cat, or perhaps even a Clan Leader! Explore the Forest Territory and the Clans who inhabit it Develop friendships, alliances, and identify your foes! Construct your own story in this immersive environment, and control your own destiny. I don't give a mousetail/They wouldn't give a mousetail - An exclamation meaning that the cat does not care. Another variation is I would ____ for a couple of mousetails meaning that they are willing to do the inserted action for no real reward. Mouse-dung - A (somewhat harsh) insult comparing the recipient to mouse feces. Elders:Warriors that have retired as a result of a disability or old age.Fox Dung:An insult; stronger offense than mousebrain.Fresh-Kill:Recently killed prey.Gatherings:A meeting that the Clans hold together in peace every full moon.Greencough:A severe chest infection that can be fatal to elders and young kits. Minnow-brain - An insult that is friendly but harsh. Make Your Own Warrior Cat (New names + Options). Half-moon - About two weeks, half a month. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. VC: Voice claim. They organize patrols and make reports to the leader, and are known to be frequently given apprentices. Or saying that a patrol didn't catch anything. Leader: Being a Clan leader is a stressful role, but it is vital for a roleplay. However, this is not appropriate if you are playing as a Clan cat, or a regular kittypet, rogue or loner. Fourtrees - A place located in the forest territory, where the territory's corners would meet, in which four oaks stood and the Clans would gather in peace every full moon. Moonpool The place near the Lake where medicine cats and leaders share tongues with StarClan. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, / wr i r, wr yr, wr i r, wr yr /. Used by Leafstar in SkyClan's Destiny about Harveymoon and Macgyver. Rogue: A particularly hostile cat who lives outside the Clans and never spends too long in one place. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. Would've made mousemeat out of you! William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Rogue/Loner: Being a rogue in WCUE can be fun if you prefer not being in a Clan. It's pretty important to roleplay in a way that is understandable, and that can be difficult sometimes. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. - A similar expression to scaredy-cat, but in cat terms. Is This Alexander the Greats Tombor His Wifes? Here is the code all cats should follow. To Twolegs, they are just trash cans/bins. However, Dawn is still used for example in the phrase "Dawn Patrol. Greeneyes, Whitenose, and Leafshimmer - Medicine Cat of Shadowclan, Spottedberry, Cloudspots, and Loudwhisker- Medicine Cat of Thunderclan, Stoneberry and Shineheart- Medicine Cat of Riverclan. Details Sunhigh - The point during the day when the sun is highest in the sky; noon. This guide is here to help improve your roleplaying skills, step-by-step. It is what your character would sound like (ex. Would've made mousemeat out of you! The same applies vice-versa (Clan cat becoming rogue, rogue becoming Clan cat). Another variation is I would ____ for a couple of mousetails meaning that they are willing to do the inserted action for no real reward. Elders' den - The den in camp that is shared between the elders of that Clan. Whoever is the witness of your punishment will decide your fate or choose who will decide your fate, whichever he or she prefers. Medicine Cat Apprentice: A medicine cat apprentice trains under the Clan's medicine cat, and has chosen to devote their life to helping their Clan with herbs and knowledge in healing, instead of combat. Summary - An exclamation used meaning "How in the world?" Performance & security by Cloudflare. (as in That's fox-dung! Fuzz-brain - A (friendly, but harsh) insult. - To badly injure, rip to shreds. Their path is called the silverpath because of the shiny look of the iron. And it's a good idea to go over it even if you are familiar with them. Fox-dung: insult-- stronger offense than mouse-dung. Used by Longtail in Into The Wild on Rusty when he was joining ThunderClan. If you would like to know everything that the Starpedia includes, visit the Starpedia page before moving on.