Others claimed scars or scratches on the body were a sign the devil had marked his territory. He says I have vision that I void . The appearance of their birthmark has a special design or shape. Theyre really old souls.They dont belong here because weve done something wrong but they will never know why they came down here unless somebody tells them about their spiritual purpose.. Also, their use of logic and strategy in their decision-making process comes in handy. It maps the journey of the planet around the sun. Orion Starseeds have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. One way a witch hunter confirmed a witch was to locate the witches mark on his/her body. I have a witch tattooed on my thigh.. I vascillate between knowing everything will work out, and moments of sheer panic , where I fear Ill never know what Im supposed to do and Im wasting my life. Click here to get started. I think Im a Orion or pleidian maybe atlantien Starseeds from the Orion constellation can have a particularly difficult time when it comes to their spiritual mission on Earth. Will someone please reply to help me. What I have discovered here is Nobody is in Charge of this beautiful Rock and Everyone takes, takes, and takes some more without ever giving back. To confirm a strong intuition, theres a line of intuition thats a curved vertical line on the outside of the palm under the pinky. . This allows Orion Starseeds to offer guidance to other starseeds and souls on their journeys within the cosmic realms. Im an old soul and feel connected to most if not all of the starseeds. The Starseed's Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Starseed Origin is an ebook that lists the starseed markings or alignments for twelve star systems! All is by design. And empathy curved lines just under the index finger indicate empathic abilities. Orions are some of the most highly evolved beings in the universe, and they are known for their strength and courage. Its an astrological chart representing the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and other celestial bodies. The figure of this hunter is one of the most recognizable in the sky and its easy to spot. People who collect things like that are usually up to no good. It can be especially challenging for Orion starseeds to find grounding and a sense of purpose since they tend to experience strong existential angst. This is possible because of how much energy it takes just to maintain social interactions. However, if theres someone who has enough personality traits that resonate well together such as empathy, theyll find them easy to connect with even have masculine energy. Have you ever wondered if youre an alien soul, a Starseed? Index finger line is one of intuition. Born on May 3rd, 1997 in New York City, NY. By working on the foundations supplied by Lavendar and her Pleiadian starseed markings and cross referencing with native American astrology, I was able to identify what I believe are starseed markings for Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion, Vega, Lyra, Hydra, Centaurus and Cygnus. I sent an email and payment last night for a chart. You could see it when I was in suit. They wouldnt want you to bulk under the yoke of your struggles. A birthmark on the arm, on the other hand, means that the bearer is going to grow up to be strong. But he saying moles or makes in genital region would say I would have been burned at the steak back in the day . I know of a couple types from watching videos and hearing what to look for on my birth chart, but I feel drawn to others that werent listed in the video also. Turns out Im a a healer. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: https://youtu.be/0Xzzn0OKOCc I have the same beauty mark on my pinky same hand. They are here to bring balance and light to the earth with their original orion blueprint or seed when it is time for the masses / others to awaken .. Orion starseeds live from a greater wisdom, which allows them to see or sense or feel or intuit or spiritually channel and observe the world more clearly, even when or if they have difficulties with their eyes or vision or sight. 25,26, 27, 28and29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. All for Covid though. So here I am, sharing with you the magic world of symbolism! As am I hello sister seed I am a Leo sun, Aquarius moon and a Scorpio rising. I have many moles and Marks that form triangles,. how can i learn more about this? Orion Starseeds come into our world to carry out a divine mandate. Much love, Julia. Im about the same area you described. Their orion starseed rays of light are violet white or laser beams of divinity in physical form as beautiful luminous beings : shining or star seeds or orion legionaries or orion serpents of light or serpentine starseeds or orions or orions . Therefore, they need time alone to evaluate their performance and plan their next move as they recharge. I always saw angels and demons in my room and felt like they were fighting over my soul. Have you found some of the palm signs above on your palms? Reading a birth chart is a learned art. Then this guide is for you! Orions often have an interest in exploring the unknown, even if it means going into space to find out more about our universe. They must encourage balance and connect with their emotional side. I didnt start exploring my witchiness Until the last four or five years and I notice more things constantly-I wish I had paid attention when I was younger. People are often drawn to their birthmarks and wonder what are the meaning behind them. Any suggestions on where to start focusing my attention? Orion Starseeds have the discipline needed to run a successful business. This means they lived past lives in other star systems or constellations. ALSO READ: What is the spiritual meaning of tortoiseshell cats? Do you think about things from a deeper perspective? Yes the Sun, Moon and Ascendant are considered. Love and Light. I have always been intuned with God every since I was really young even though we never went to church much. Are you curious if there are any signs on your body or birth chart that show that you are a Starseed? Lol. My potions are the foods I make as well as the poultices, elixirs and other herbal remedies which I give freely to those around me who are in need. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: https://youtu.be/0Xzzn0OKOCc Most of us have moles and freckles all over our bodies in various place. I recommend Josephine Laing. Starseeds come into this planet to help us with our evolution journey. have had an obsession with mermaids and sea monsters as long as you can remember. It is scary at times. So I dont really have any answers for ya~ sorry lol but wanted to reach out to say I very much relate and am sending you positive energy and love from Minnesota ~ The orion starseeds are here to bring in the violet white ray of light or orion starseed rays of light and help earth ascend into a higher dimension or frequency or density and a better world, with more love on its own divine timeline. Read more about, Starseeds are advanced spiritual beings and. They can manifest as moles or beauty spots and bear similar placements to stars or constellations. Orion Starseeds Souls are truly unique and special in many ways. Recently I discovered that idea of starseeds and found out many of my traits fit with what an Orion starseed would tend to have. These highly intuitive people can assist you when you struggle with difficult life situations. Or while awake or or or another or other or others or sometimes or usually. Sending you lots of love and blessings . An Orion Starseed is forever foraging for details, data, and information on solving the challenges in life. One is the mystic cross found somewhere in the middle of the palm, usually between the head and heart lines. Embodying the power of this cosmic energy enables us to foster positive change within ourselves and the world around us. Strange things happen around me. They bring a sense of wisdom, understanding, curiosity, appreciation, and love for knowledge that is very helpful in these fields. Mintaka is a star in Orion's belt and it is known as the Water Planet. As a birthplace for our cavitation, Starseed represents knowledge and wisdom essential in human . When I was little I used to imagine my hand was a map people always ask if I burned my hand. Love A Challenge. Libra rising, Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! Can you please help? Everyone is unique and different from others in some way or another, but for a starseed, this feeling begins at a very early age and stays with them well into adulthood. Lu have all the palm sogns listed and Orions Belt on my index finger. You should focus your time here on spiritual and ascended ideologies. Though Orion starseeds are often deeply sensitive and compassionate, they also possess a great strength and passion for the things they believe in. Im not sure if I belong here but I had a situation that recently made me have to shave my head on both sides and I have a red mark that looks like the letter E or depending which angle you look at it from it could be a 3. And knowledge should not preclude happiness and emotions. The positions of the celestial bodies with each other at the point of your birth make up the star systems. Modern paganism comprises many belief systems borrowed from our ancestors. I have 2 moles on my right hand and I can see things, wierd things. This drive and desire to learn, make them formidable forces when theyre able to put their powerful, analytical minds to work. This video is on Starseed Origins: How to find YOUR Starseed Origin with Bridget Nielsen. As a side note: I moved to Hilo last year, the Earths heart chakra, looking to make a difference and find my purpose. If you want custom dream interpretation or specific advice on your situation, speaking to someone with special intuitive gifts can be very helpful. You realize that youve got a high IQ, which makes you more intelligent than most people. The markings of an Andromedan Starseed. I feel the worst part of this is the witch hunters would search the accused for this witchs mark. The average annual temperature is 21.7 C (71.1 F) and the precipitation averages 2,111 millimetres (83.1 in) per year. The positions of the celestial bodies with each other at the point of your birth make up the star systems. Star systems have personality traits that are important in understanding yourself. 25,26, 27, 28and 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. This is because this religious movement comprises many different groups with diverse practices. The Pleiades stars, for example, are a cluster of stars known since ancient times. These natives do very well in bringing their visions to life. Im 25 years old. Starseed Constellation Palm Signs. These individuals were deeply involved in the architecture and design of these and other wonders of the ancient world. Orion starseeds are sensitive to the energies of others and can easily pick up on peoples intentions or emotional or mental or physical or mental or auric or chakra vibrations or frequencies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. Orion constellation - The most well-known constellation and is home to the Orions who are said to be logical, and good at self- discipline. Here is a summery of the traits of an Orion Starseed. They are also here to embody the original orion blueprint or seed so that orions can be born again. This could be a mole, birthmark, scar, extra digit or even a third nipple. You'll find obstacles to be thrilling, and you'll be bored when there isn't a difficult task at hand. She is a clairvoyant healer and does spiritual and holistic counseling. Anyone have some insight. I am also empathetic, telepathic, and psychic I am an old soul. The term starseed can also describe someone who has evolved and come to Earths surface in order for them to fulfill their mission of experiencing life on earth with all its joys, sorrows, lessons and growth opportunities.Starseeds may have memories of what it was like being up there, says Dr. Eric Pearl I call these people Sky Adults. How would I know if Im one. With this ebook you will be able to identify starseed alignments in your birth chart for Andromeda, Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Lyra, Draco, the Hyades, the Pleiades and more! For example, an elongated birthmark on the back may indicate a stab wound or a line around the neck may indicate being hung in a past life. I am a very sensitive empath and have been drawn to the witchy side of life and nature my entire life to the point that I have now become an herbal/water/kitchen witch. In doing so, they are able to help create a bridge between Heaven and Earth that facilitates greater insights for all. ~ Stina, I think I am a rainbow starseed but I did not know if from Andromedan or Atlantean starseed. How to Find Your Starseed Markings on the Body, Acturian Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Zeta Reticuli Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Eridanus Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Alpha Centauri Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Procyon Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Draconian Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Maldek Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Mintaka Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Andromedan Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Pleiadian Starseed: Traits and Characteristics. Looking at your chakras can be another indication that you're a Lyran Starseed. Not every Orion starseed will have these . They are also really adept at patterns or describing different symbols and sacred geometry. You could still be one without all the above signs. Ive done stuff, seen even stranger ones, and Im really lost. When you form your thoughts beyond surface information, youre likely a Starseed. It drew me there. They need space and time for themselves as they can have a tendency to get lost in the moment and forget about other things that are going on. I am a Starseed from Mintaka and I am a natural uplifter and life enthusiast like many other Mintakan's Starseed, that have come here on Earth to spread love and light during this time of great transformation and Ascension. By May 19th (last I had read over 100 (and counting!) While other starseeds come from many different planets throughout the universe, Orion starseeds specifically come from the Orion constellation. I have onions belt on my arm and rhe big dipper on my chest Im am Aquarius every thing in my life points to orion but I cant help think pleiadian ??? Does anyone know what this could mean? When my gifts began exposing themselves I pushed them down for lack of understanding. I know for a fact, Im changing. But what is it, exactly? I feel this way .. if Id been raised to be aware from a child . They have been there for as long as i can remember. Orion Starseed people are highly intelligent, highly spiritual and have been given the task of coming to Earth in order to help others evolve. Or while awake or or or another or other or others or sometimes or usually. To find out your specific starseed alignments, you can check out this free birth chart reading here. Orions are master manifestors. Orion starseed energy is an ancient and powerful cosmic force that comes from the constellation of Orion in the night sky. WhitneytheWitch January 27, 2021 at 2: . Who knew? They have a mission and purpose to accomplish in this realm. Im not sure what brought on my awakening this time but Im living it and loving it. Am more creative, thus I do music and I do overthink,, and a times I read mind and think what someone might be thinking and even my sir name Ochieng means when the sun is out shining Have you ever looked up at the night sky and found yourself curiously drawn to Orions belt in the constellation Orion? They often make use of their intuition and creative problem-solving skills to come up with innovative solutions to workplace issues. Common starseeds include: Sirians, Orions, Arcturians, Pleiadians, Lyrans, Andromedans, etc. They tend to see the world logically and find it difficult to feel or express emotions very well. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! Ive seen a video that states that if you have beauty marks like these that i came from a line of witches. Do you think about things from a deeper perspective? They can also be grouped according to which star system their soul originates from: General characteristics of all Starseeds; A birth chart is a picture of the sky at the exact time of your birth. Whats wrong ? You need to understand that theres more to life than acquiring tons of knowledge. Definitely a starseed. They awaken humans to their spiritual calling and destiny.