Thank you so much Maja. He later disclosed that Meghan went to a psychic several years ago and that the psychic said she would marry a red head in the public eye. I see him as a troubled soul who is stuck at age 12 and blames everyone and everything. Harry and Meghan (the mini-series, literally) does make people angry. The situation with Samantha Markle, astrologically, does not really begin in any substantial way until July 2023 and it continues in 2024, for Meghan. You have had transiting Pluto opposite the transiting Moon in Cancer in your Fourth House of mothers (and stepmothers) once every 28 days, for the last 15 years and that means regular, quite emotional days. Anyone can go. We dont know the terms of the late Queens will. You then have to wonder who the production company is, never mind the writer and director. And theres the karma right there, hes paying for it via Harry. Both had sibling issues. What is her motivation in all of this and who got to her? Its interesting that you say Harry may have recorded his counselling sessions with his therapist, to use for the book. Please let us know when you have updated your original website predictions as there is a lot of interest in validated psychics, as the information coming from Harry and Meghan is so unreliable. Their bishops have refused to back gay marriage. The monarchy itself goes through these stages, doesnt it? I dont see the media picking it up at all. The first half of 2023 is all about reinventing yourself, as you kick off a . Runcie apparently foresaw a constitutional crisis too, for church and state. Seemed rather grudging after the Queens 70 years service. Lets see. This does all seem like it was written by Jane Austen. Please check this link from todays Daily Mail: Some things never change, do they? I am fascinated by this moonbump question. You can hear more from Pitcher here. During the last war, it was all Britain had, together with Churchill. Wow Jessica, I log on this morning and you are spoiling us with so many fantastic new pieces of analysis! I know youve mentioned the security services in the past but, surely, she would have been checked out on the quiet or is it a case of they were too busy with the Andrew business plus working as hard as they do foiling all the terrorist plots we dont get to hear about? Opinion polls and social media drive elections and referendums and unpopularity is the driver. Given that the whole mess has been running like an episode of Upstairs, Downstairs or Downton Abbey (but with the wardrobe department of The Crown) I guess you would be looking at soap opera, opera or tragedy. Its obviously weighing on me quite a lot. Julie. Greece has such long loyalties and ties with the United Kingdom and United States, but the Harry and Meghan Show is designed to separate us. Only to then read a prepared speech, unveil a plaque etc, with barely a hint of the real person underneath. Maybe their encounter was calculated but she may also have genuinely fell in love with him The tragic story of it all is that as you imply Harry is actually the one used by secret forces. I feel sorry for Harry because hes been under such gruesome scrutiny all of his life largely enough to drive any human being insane feeding the obscene and hypocrite media like the goose that lays the golden eggs, especially after the tragic death of his mother. Asha. What the apps produce is pretty good convincing. Perhaps thats how they found her. The other issue is the reports, on 16th January, that the Archbishop of Canterbury intended to hold a summit with the family by April. Oh thats interesting, Emma. Harry and William's rift sparked by Meghan argument, claims royal author Sarah is known for her accuracy, having predicted Prince Harry's exit from the Royal family, the Sussexes' move. Hi Jessica, David Fosters 4th wife was Yolanda Hadid. I would be interested on the possibility of any of this happening. By their nature, eclipses conceal, they never reveal, so we may find out some of the truth later, but it will continue to beg questions. On the discussion of Anne Boleyn, I read somewhere that Princess Diana was related to Annes sister Mary Boleyn through her father Earl Johnny Spencers family. In Vedic tradition, as in Christianity, the eagle is representative of a messenger from heaven-other schools of thought see the eagle as a symbol of divine majesty. People forget about Eugenie but she is important. There are so many questions with Prince Harry. A turning point (in a bad way) for Diana. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle break up? Psychic predicts a "rift" in Harry is definitely motivated by money and he will do and say ANYTHING to get it. The chosen tiara was then handed over, much later. Ultimately, do you see Harry ever returning or coming to any harm? We dont have a verified time for Meghan (Markle, as she was) so can only cover most of the chart, not all of it. Also I do not wish to deal with the abuse, even anonymously, common on other sites and channels, and the lack of reply by the hosts is frustrating. Grammy Predictions: Could Harry Styles Be the Spoiler in the To the person who went on a rant : wed rather you stay, but if you want, dont let the door hit you in the backside on the way out. What are your views on this and is the king going to make a habit of this? Im intrigued about the DNA thing though as I believe Harry is Charles son. Hello Jessica, just wondering, if only three people, H M and the AB were present for the secret marriage, who took the picture of the vows? I still think as we discussed, the brothers will likely reconcile when the smoke clears these transits, but that is still a bit off into the future. Alarm bells ringing all over the place with this one, but most specifically about the Taliban claim which makes the family targets. According to Tom Bowers book, Revenge, Soho House was where they first met on that blind date on 1st July 2016. especially her latest video titled Are Harry and Meghan political pawns ? Someone is differently behind or is it karma Are there any transits to show that the negative media about this couple will fade away? Greetings to you Jessica and to your many followers. The verdict on Diana was an unlawful killing in the end. Wishing everyone blessings love and light. Ive seen a couple of really clear visions on this. This friend was (and is) a well known psychic in the Netherlands (the psychic is Jan C. van der Heide). This video is readily available. Ive been thinking about Spare again and how bizarre some of the information is. That is for military reasons. Its violence or otherwise depends on the other cycles. It is interesting to ask why. Janie Bee. It tells the truth and that is quite threatening. We are living through Neptune in Pisces. Hello Jessica, Two of the books publishers were once my own publishers at what is now Penguin Random House and I can vouch for their meticulous editors. It is the fastest, easiest way to divide people isnt it? The issue with eclipses is, we never know all we ever know is what we never knew, and it can take years! Christine Giordano. It was made public almost immediately. You are uncanny as usual the links with H (&M) to Henry VIII. Given it runs on media popularity but also needs a sharp mind to run the corporation (which it virtually is) youd think a dream of the hugely likeable and popular Cambridges with back-up from select seniors would guarantee long-term security. Boom. Also, wasnt MM listed as a witness by Virginia Giuffres lawyers? On the longer original video, he says he will make a video on Markus Anderson as promised about a year ago & he apologises for the delay. What has happened to Prince Andrew and now, the family as a whole, does not feel accidental or random. Jessica, do you think that Harry will survive the coming years and come out the end ok? Jyotishgher astrology. Nostradamus predicts Queen's death will end Royal family in shocking You also saw a light around him. This is also a huge shift in Harrys current service to the U.K. and Commonwealth as Duke of Sussex. But of course. But it is very important that people in the Commonwealth and United Kingdom and United States make it clear that they will not be gas lit. I am updating the prediction on 2nd February 2023. The issue with the eclipse has nothing to do with racism though. He is the youngest member of the band One Direction. Pluto will immediately square Harrys own Pluto at 0 Scorpio. When Charles and Camilla got married her status as a divorced woman etc meant that he as heir to the throne couldnt marry her so the attorney general had to look into the legal loop holes to allow the wedding to go ahead. The reason we are feeling it in January 2023 is the Aquarius weather which precedes Pluto in Aquarius, up ahead at the end of March. I am.not into royalty and such matters, but one aspect has been consistently absurd for me..the question of Harrys fathers identity. Thank you Michele. Anne divorced. Having read the article, there is seemingly not only a split in the CoE, but also in the Commonwealth. "The biggest test of her bond with Harry comes from March 2027 to April 2035. Their engagement was announced in January 1923 and they married in April of the same year. An interesting fact is that the current Lord Chamberlain is Lord Parker, who was Director of MI5 until 1st April 2021. Disruption. Hi Jessica In my dream I arrive at Buckingham Palace. The hive mind is keeping us all updated on what will turn out to be a little bit of online history; Im sure people were equally consumed by history when King Henry VIII founded the Church of England. Thank you. I hope he takes a good look at himself eventually. That is so interesting about Linda Goodman. Also in July 1997 a colleague at work showed me an e-mail from a friend. Lets look for that sealed legal advice! Vocation: Entertain/Music: Vocalist/ Pop, Rock, etc. Styles was in a relationship with The Xtra Factor presenter Caroline Flack from November 2011 to January 2012, which caused controversy and criticism over their 14-year age gap. To seek clarification and truth is not anger. I love your research plus the information from your viewers. If William, who it appears is the real target of Hs rage, feels hes being sold out by any deal- could he end up being the one walking away? Eclipses have always surrounded the monarchy. The bridesmaids dresses did not fit. I stroked my chin thoughtfully again, when during the World Cup, Stormzy was allegedly denied his flight because of passport issues at the airport. Actions have consequences. In this search, I for one appreciate being corrected. Harrys playing into this now as a tantalizing kind of dare and joke seems bcz the RF did nothing to get rid of that doubt. Theres a bit of subconscious NLP going on. The author, mystic and Jungian, Laurens Van Der Post, who was one of Williams godfathers and present at the christening, took this to be a sign that there would be a conflict between the Church and the monarchy and that, although the monarchy would survive (because the candle did not go out), there would be a diminution of its significance its light. And then, Im afraid I got carried away and kept finding more interesting sections. Even republicans know the facts! I think one of the issues here is the uncertain nature of the law, and also Church law, which is open to interpretation. Its interesting you drew the Knight of Cups for both William and Harry. One very good answer is that a gun was pulled from another car and she was told to get into the well of the Mercedes with Dodi. The official statement since was that she had become addicted to painkillers after treatment for cancer and then suffered a mental breakdown. So the fact that Harry doesnt write about X is almost proof that X happened? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is under Anglican rule, after all, the kingdom being in Church of England hands since Henry VIII. So are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, political pawns in a big game of chess? This may be so, but another option is that the ghost writer is not contracted to display his own intellect and beliefs, but to portray those of his subject, using his language, his emphases and distorted perceptions, and his intentions. How Did 2020 Predictions Twitter Foresee The Harry Styles Vogue Cover?