Their intelligence is truly endless and they're always searching for new ways to expand their knowledge. It doesnt mean you are any less worthy than anyone else; it just means you have a very unique perspective on life! You somehow know that lyrans are different from other people and often wonder why you stand out from the crowd. What are the traits, meanings, and markings of Lyran Starseed? Lyrans have rock solid emotions; they dont break in front of others. 1. It looks like an underlined letter C shape or just simply looking like an arrow. . Their world was destroyed, which they may have a subconscious awareness of in the form of feeling that they cannot go home. Theyre confident and outgoing, and they can be very charismaticbecause of this, Lyrans often end up in leadership roles because people will naturally fall in line with their vision for the future. Thus, many Lyrans gravitate towards legal professions, especially where this allows them to stand up to corporate interests or state injustice. The Earth is part of one solar system, and Lyra is part of a separate one. Thanks again! They also possess other key traits, including kindness, mindfulness, and understanding. How to Find Your Starseed Markings on the Body, Pleiadian Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Zeta Reticuli Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Eridanus Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Alpha Centauri Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Procyon Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Draconian Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Maldek Starseed: Traits & Characteristics, Mintaka Starseed: Traits and Characteristics, Andromedan Starseed: Traits and Characteristics. They dont like to read a book because they know soon they could see the story in the movie. Often Lyran starseeds are master at healing and are the ones who founded Lemurian civilization. Are you a Lyran starseed? Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Mini Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Extended Birth Chart Starseed Reading for Starseed Origins, Starseed's Compass: Identifying Your Starseed Origins, The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins, How To Connect With Your ET Spirit Guides, The Incarnation Process and the Souls Innate Frequency. . If youre asking yourself if you could possibly be a Lyran starseed or any other starseed, thats often an indication that you may well be one. The latter method seems easier at first but it takes much longer due to the sheer amount of signatures out there; unless youre really good at tuning into even the faintest traces of energy, then you might have better luck with something inanimate like plants or trees. Even though there are many people who do have one (or more) starseed marking(s) that doesnt mean everyone else will too! The best way to deal with this is by meditating more until you reconnect emotionally with your true self. In fact, they are often described as Freedom Fighters because of their inability to stand by and watch the powerful exploit the weak. Lyrans have plenty of experience incarnating into other worlds and it shows in the way they live their lives. But here we'll provide a list of common signs and markings of souls that incarnated in Sirius: . It saddens me that They have conditioned this society to be so critical of others, so it makes being able to share our experiences difficult sometimes. They taught work ethics and the use of physical energy to Atlantis and Lemuria. When you're born into Lyran Starseed lineage, you may have unique gifts that set you apart from other people on earth, including: An unusual ability to remember past lives. Lyran starseeds naturally radiate high vibration energy which can deeply impact people around them. Lyrans will express their thoughts and feelings in very creative ways. Star races who reside in the 12th dimension are naturally endowed with a harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energy. The key is to see the truth that independence and interdependence are not mutually exclusive in a relationship. It is important for lyran starseeds to find a balance between living an ordinary life and pursuing their ability to explore new ideas or concepts. They naturally express an interest in alternative healing methods, psychic awareness, metaphysics, and ancient civilizations. Lyran Starseeds. Lyran starseeds tend to be highly sensitive people who feel everything, both the positive and negative. Ive recently been drawn to crystals / rocks. The second way: If neither of those methods work for you, then Im afraid youre out of luck and its time to ask an elder or someone who is able to read your markings so that they can help you. They love indulging in good food, drink and music or simply learning new subjects. By connecting with the energetic vibrations emanating from this source we can raise our vibration, deepen our understanding of ourselves, and explore the depths of our inner power. Lyran starseeds also typically display profound empathy toward others. Some of the most common starseed types are Pleiadians, Sirians, Avians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Orions and Reptilians. Lyrans often struggle with finding their starseed connection as they identify with multiple star systems. If this seems like something that might describe your life, dont worryyoure not alone! Andromeda is most prominent during autumn evenings in the Northern Hemisphere . It doesnt mean anything bad about your current life, or even what kind of person you are now. You want to help them find their own unique path in life. *You have recurring dreams about someone who has passed away, or about places that youve never visited before but have heard of from others- which sends you into an emotional frenzy if theyre negative OR else a state of bliss if theyre positive. You can test this by asking lyrans if they ever felt like a large part of their personality came from somewhere else before. They enjoy physical activities: sport, gym, exercises, anything to keep them fit. They can help others tap into their own intuitive abilities, and guide them through times of distress with grace. Its easy to be enchanted by their ethereal beauty and mesmerizing presence something youd likely find only among the stars. Your sense of humor is intellectual and has a bit of a dark edge. Moving forward. If you have a starseed marking somewhere on your CHEST then it is likely to represent who you were during a past life. Every Lyran Starseed has different markings on their bodies which means you could have anything! Lyrans are believed to be some of the oldest living souls in the universe, thought to have originated from multiple stars throughout the Lyra constellation. As they observe silently, they make a good circle of friends. This means there is an attachment of some kind to this person or thing, which may be coming from you (if its a person) or else it could be something that theyre doing and sending out towards you without realizing it. Your friends give you the emotional support you need on a regular basis, and your friends help you stay out of trouble. Sirian Starseed markings and traits will vary by starry race and by the individual soul. Lyran starseed. I look forward to the day when we can all share more experiences like this, and get to unlock the understanding of the universe. You also find yourself relating to fictional characters in books and movies a lot more than your peers; this can feel awkward as you dont quite fit into the norm. Here are some common lyran starseed traits to help you find out. The most common places for starseed markings are either on the chest or shoulder blades but they can also appear somewhere else such as back, face or neck . Lyran starseeds have a curious, child-like air about them and can be quite happy doing very little around the house or in their spare time , as long as they are close to those they love who offer an emotional connection for lyrans. 32, 33, 34, or 35 in Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius, or Virgo can indicate a Lyran or Andromedan connection. You have a nagging feeling that something is just not right, but you cant quite put your finger on what it is which only makes this problem worse! They hate to be treated unfairly and wont stand for it, but they are far more offended by seeing other people treated unfairly. Arcturian starseeds' souls originally come from the star system Arcturus, located in the Bootes constellation. Lyran starseeds are all about their mission here on Earth. Aspen , just want to say hello to you again as a lyran , sirus , orion, hyades starseed as confirmed in soul reading, i think i have talked to you before or you have forgotten? All rights reserved. These things are sometimes difficult to pinpoint because they have no physical form but the truth will always reveal itself if you pay attention enough! They enjoy good health and are in tune with their bodies, meaning that they know straight away when they have a health problem often before even a doctor could tell! This usually only works if you have fairly unusual markings though or none at all. It's said the first humans originated from Lyra. Either that or theres a personality attachment (also known as an energy parasite) around them which is affecting you adversely. Lyran Starseeds are a very loving, beautiful and inte. Lyrans can take what they know in their minds and bring it into being through their hands or voices or whatever tool they use to express themselves. . In terms of hobbies and interests, sport and physical fitness are the most popular. Id like to believe Im awake, but I think the bad guys (Kazarian / Cabal / Elites / Them, The Man, etc) have been pretty successful in keeping the truth(s) from us. 21 Sings You're an Arcturian Starseed. They tend to be highly skilled with their hands and often make expert tradespeople. They are often attracted to subjects of time travel, UFO experiences, crop circles, and mystical realms. Thats why they know so many things because it is always a new start for them. You enjoy solving problems and have a natural gift for helping others solve their own problems. They may have a slight build, but lyrans are not lacking in strength because they rarely make physical contact with others, preferring to walk or sit at a distance from their companions. ), while the Arcturians originated from Arcturus in Orions Belt (again, hence their name). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 AWAKENING STATE. The easiest way to tell if youre a Lyran is by identifying whether youve ever been able to perceive other realities or if you have memories of other lifetimes here on Earth. You may have been here on Earth before, and thats okay. As a Lyran Starseed, it is your life-mission to help further the spiritual evolution of humanity. They like adventures and always go for thrills. For those with the soul of a Lyran starseed the physical appearance is typically distinguished by their glowing blue or green eyes, a refined facial structure, pointed chin and high cheekbones. However, they all have a different meaning for each person. I really really am. They show a certain fearlessness about living, like theyve done it a million times which they have, of course! This means lyrans can feel what others feel and also project their own feelings on to others. Lyrans are highly empathic and have a strong sense of justice, so they may feel compelled to help those who are oppressed by others. They don't communicate to humans out of the blue-they check in with their Starseeds here on earth and help you along the way with your mission to help humanity become more healed, free or inspired to rise consciousness levels. You have a natural intuitive feeling that everything will work out fine in the end, so lyrans can be counted on to help keep others happy when things look bleak. Are You Spiritually Gifted? Pointed ears may also be present in some cases, as well as whispers of silver strands throughout the mane. Ancient records indicate they were among the first intelligent humanoid species to traverse the stars, establishing widespread colonies across the universe in search of new opportunities and challenges. Lyrans tend to observe the people theyre surrounded by, as they feel different to others. They love activities such as rock climbing or jumping out of planes and sometimes they can simply go for something without thinking through. Because of their high energy, they want to try so many things. The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th, What are Avian starseed traits, and what do they mean, Lemurian Starseed: traits & characteristics, Spiritual meaning of dreams about being cheated on. As these souls continue to awaken and expand their remembrance, they continually shed away any veil that separates them from their diamond-like clarity and power within. You are independent, creative, eccentric and insightful lyran starseeds are free thinkers with the ability to think outside of the box . Listen to this Lyran Starseed Transmission recorded by Steve Ahnael Nobel in London (September 2016). However, if youre serious about making some progress then just keep going! The Lyrans contributed a lot of knowledge to Atlantis and Lemuria regarding the use of physical energy. This is due to their strong connection to the truth, which allows lyran starseeds to see through lies or half truths with just a glance. Theyre the kind of people who would leave a job they have expertise in for a new challenge, who is utterly confident in their ability to adapt and excel. Lyran starseeds are intensely loyal and may feel like they have a mission in life. You can rely and depend upon another person without giving up your own independence because you choose to rely on that person. With cosmically powerful origins, the Lyran starseed mission is an incredible journey of knowledge and growth. If that doesnt work for you then try the following steps: Try to imagine a circle around the outside of your body and notice where it would touch down on your physical form. Lyra is the place of the Lyrans creation. They just prefer that their compassion be expressed through intellectual rather than physical means, such as by helping people get back on their feet financially or providing legal aid. Lyran starseeds have an intense desire for truth that manifests through their willingness to embrace change, even if it means leaving behind a familiar comfort zone in order to seek out new experiences. There is something captivating about those who seem to have come from beyond this place and time; an almost intangible magnetism that draws the eye. Lyran starseeds tend to have a high forehead and eyebrows that are well-defined. On the negative side, lyran starseeds tend to: become addicted to alcohol or other drugs. Lyrans played an important role in the creation of humanity and seeded some of the first souls onto Atlantis. *Youre constantly feeling like youve got a buzzing energy underneath your skin, but often times it gets so intense that it feels like theres a magnet inside of you thats pulling on everything around you- including other people. haha :). people often listen more closely to them and trust their opinions. They may have memories of past lives on Lyra or an interest in other worlds and cosmic orders. There are two types of starseed markings both can give you insight into your past lives. Before awakening, many Lyrans disregard this side of life. The ones who do not complete their missions during this lifetime may have another chance in future incarnations. you feel a deep connection with animals, plants and the earth itself. Lyran starseeds often appear to be emotionally strong and are always supporting others during difficult times. 0 or 1 could be Polarian or Procyon origin. Lyrans make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activity and pushing physical limits. However, if all else fails and your markings just arent showing up, dont despair! *You feel the need to explore your spirituality more but also find yourself constantly struggling with doubt, fear or uncertainty whenever you try to do something like this; meditation often leads to these feelings which is why it can be so difficult for starseeds (especially ones with weak markings.). The Lyran race is just like any other race on this planet: some are good, some are bad, and most are somewhere in between. The next step is to find out your origins. This means that either theres an energetic imprint from another being somewhere nearby OR else your starseed markings are showing up because theyre trying to connect with other starseeds who are in close proximity to them. Being adventurous and fearless by their nature, they are often drawn to more unusual, extreme sports like rock climbing, jumping with a parachute, paragliding, bungee jumping, etc. This symbol is said to be used by all extraterrestrial races in our galaxy as a way of communicating with each other. Each one of those fragments becomes an individual soul and takes possession of its own body known as an avatar or vessel body. The meaning of the Starseed Markings varies depending on their location. Lyrans are here to share their knowledge and help us realize our true nature. Additionally, Lyrian starseeds possess strong telepathics skills, as well as a deep connection to Spirit. Lyrans enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas with others, but lyrans never feel compelled to announce their own greatness. There is an intense curiosity that drives lyran starseeds even as children. However, there is one major difference between these two civilizations: where they originate from. There are many different types of starseed markings but the most common ones would be described as either glyphs or theta shapes. My Russian AND Latvian Grandmother told many stories, but they were always broken and in pieces; they left myself and the few others she shared these memories with, in question! People know that lyrans will not be judgmental and tell them exactly how it is. If you think you may be a Lyran starseed but would like some validation, try a birth chart reading or purchase my new book entitled The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins OR you can follow me on Facebook and watch for FREE mini reading giveaways! This works for two reasons; one because it does involve drawing something which puts your mind in a creative mindset, which is conducive to sensing energetic things easier, and secondly because once again youre focusing intently on yourself. Lyran starseeds originate from the constellation Lyra, mainly the planet, Vega. The second type is incarnation marks. Another method would be to go into nature and sit for a while. They know their itchy feet will send them elsewhere soon enough, so they are reluctant to start putting down roots. Lyrans are almost always able to sense the emotions of those around them. They have a sincere desire to help others and long to find their place in society. When youre born into Lyran Starseed lineage, you may have unique gifts that set you apart from other people on earth, including: They are often misunderstood, told theyre weird or different, teased or bullied, told theyre too emotional or sensitive, and sometimes even advised to stop being so creative. They are thought to possess specific traits and characteristics that are associated with their origin from Arcturus. I just stumbled across this word today, Lyran. Lyrans feel like close friendships are essential to their happiness and good health. Their nose and eyes look like cats. This is true of all Starseeds, but it is especially true of Lyrans because of their strong physical grounding and manifested power, meaning that they need less spiritual evolution before displaying their true nature. The first method how you can find your starseed markings is the method involving looking into a mirror and seeing what happens when you focus on parts of your body for an extended period of time. Feline features are prominent in Lyrans. Lyran Starseeds. While they may have similar traits to other starseeds, they are especially focused on higher learning and psychic abilities. Lyran starseeds are highly intelligent and are known for using people to help them pursue their own interests. Each of these stars evokes specific traits and personalities. The meaning of the Starseed Markings varies depending on their location. They have the uncanny ability to detect phoniness and insincerity in others. Many lyran starseeds have had their symptoms of psychic sensitivity suppressed by living within a mainstream society that is not yet ready to accept such gifts as normal and beneficial. There are many good Lyrans out there who are trying to make a difference in the world and help heal others. There are a few stars in the Lyra constellation, but the main planet of origin is Vega. They believe in themselves and their skills to survive in such a dark place like the earth. Lyrans are intuitive thinkers and can come up with answers to problems that may seem impossible for others to solve. The Lyran energy is very powerful and warm. Paired with their natural leadership abilities, this combination of characteristics lends itself to social justice and leading the fight against injustice and unfair treatment. I have a serious mission and a purpose here, holy crap Beyond burning sage and kicking the bad guys out once a while, beyond sharing love and kindness. The second way would be by visiting a specialised healer who can easily observe these energies for you by using a special device called the Aura Camera, which captures images of the aura and starseed markings ( more on this below ). Are You a Lyran Starseed? Because they are so in touch with themselves and others, Lemurian starseeds make wonderful leaders and teachers. They will go to any lengths to see this wrong righted, even if it means personal sacrifice on their part. Most Lyrans have also incarnated as Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and Arcturians. Because Lyrans were born in a separate star system and did not live here on Earth until now, they have different energies than most people who have only lived here since birth. Lyrans had a unique part in the creation of humanity. This means that even if you dont have any markings anywhere on your body then still your aura may look like an array of colours, shapes and symbols; some people have them while others are completely void of them. Their energies align with old money and a sense of tradition, and they often possess incredible wisdom and interesting skills. They never give in against those who are wrong doing to others. Thats why many old souls made their way from the depths of the universe to Earth in order to guide mankind through this transitional period. By accessing these ancient truths, Lyran starseeds can offer loving assistance to our planet in healing the environment and uplifting humanitys current state of collective consciousness. This can make Lyrans seem like they have a strong sense of justice, but what you may not realize is that part of this comes from their humanitarian values. We have other articles on this but lets continue this topic by talking about Lyran Starseeds. According to the Greek mythology, Lyra represents the lyreof Orpheus the first lyre ever produced. A race of ancient beings called Felines also come from Lyra, and they helped establish much of the ancient world on Earth including . The best way to deal with this dilemma is by meditating more until the connections get weaker, then surrounding yourself in nature to help re-charge yourself. They are compassionate, peaceful, caring individuals who make nurturing companions and friends. This is one of the main Lyran characteristics. Unsurprisingly, they have the unquenchable curiosity of a cat, thus being lovers of travel and . Lyran starseeds are the type of people that do things that would make the rest of us panic at least a little. But as they utilize their energy in work, they start to feel exhausted and leave the work in between. Lyran Starseed Tattoo. Besides being associated with Orpheus in the Greek mythology, the lyre is also connected to entertainment, fun and feasts.
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