If you are worried about a trip to Mexico, ask yourself why comments like its just like your local grocery store, from random people will help. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; Are you regurgitating what the media wants you to believe or have you had first hand experience with crime in Mexico. When was the last time you visited Mexico? Tourists traveling to Mexico, As my readers are planning their spring and summer travel I have been receiving a lot of questions on is Mexico safe and more specific questions about, U.S. Department of State website to find the latest and up-to-date information regarding, The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico have issued a new. I am trying to plan a trip to Cancun in September 2019. I just returned from Mexico on a solo trip and I survived and I felt completely safe. Sorry for being paranoid. I am not familiar with Grand Moon Palace. Most visitors to this region describe the area as just as safe as most American cities. I bring up black and brown because there is clearly a difference in the way the news portrays countries of black and brown people vs other countries. Schwab has been traveling and working in Mexico for 10 years and considers it safe enough to take his 7-year-old son with him on his frequent trips. It's important to be cautious when you travel, especially if you are alone, and to know which areas are safe to travel to and which are to avoid. World. As a few other Western countries have done, we need to legalize drugs and take away much if the profit motive for the cartels. When you check into your hotel, did you lock your door and use the top lock? Everyone was asking me was I afraid to go to Mexico. But Im glad I ran into your site. I have never been robbed, kidnapped or raped or even pickpocketed why visiting Mexico but the media will have you believe its more dangerous than the US. Maybe you live in one of those areas, so Mexico feels just as clean and safe as home to you?Adding your political views negates your argument that Mexico is a safe place. We are currently looking for a second home and a reprieve from the winter months. First, my wife and I are world travellers and we are not the party type when we travel. amzn_assoc_asins = "B07GDKQRJY,B07PGL5DFV,B06XZTZ7GB,B000UVTDLG"; Millions of people visit Mexico each year and 99% of travelers do not run into any trouble but the 1% that makes the news is all that you hear about. I would dare you to hitchhike across Mexico to prove your point, but you would be dead. This is to reach the mountains of Mexicali and the end of the peninsula to vacation spots such as Cabo San Lucas and Todos Santos. Dont cancel! It is a level 3 where most parts of Mexico is a level 2. Why would you want to just stay at your resort? You very well know why, because chopped up tourists stuffed in car trunks are splashed across the evening news. Thank you. Zihua will change your mind about the dangers of Mexico. Did you know that, according to the FBI, an estimated 15,241 persons were murdered in the U.S. in 2009 111 U.S. citizens were killed in Mexico last year, and almost all of them were involved in illicit drug trafficking, gun-running, or smuggling people across the border to/from the U.S? You may get pickpocketed if you look like an overweight poorly dressed american with a fanny pack. However, dont let media portrayals of Mexico fool you into thinking that Mexico is dangerous. New Orleans is still an amazing place to visit and the Media is right to champion this inspirational city. I cant understand why people think it is so unsafe. When Driving, Stick to Main Roads, and Daytime Travel. Use a money belt: Keep the thieves at bay. San Blas I watched a timeshare representative at the airport threaten an old lady with arrest because she told one of the potential victims that they were getting defrauded. Is the State Dept. You in general have to watch your back and constantly be on guard so you arent cheated or robbed. Any advice would be helpful. Every city and country has places that are safe and dangerous. . BEWARE!!! As you drive, you'll notice signs warning you about upcoming topes that keep cars from speeding at dangerous rates. There is a criminal element no matter the destination and take the same precautions you would at home. Thank you ! Mexico is safe to visit so long as you stay out of trouble, take precautions, dont buy drugs, and ladies do not allow men to buy you a cocktail and I dont care how cute he is. I have explored off of the resort and I have never experienced anything but love from the people of Mexico. Personally, as someone who lives in San Diego across the border from Tijuana, my wife and I visit Mexico often and vacation in various areas throughout Mexico. I have traveled all over Mexico and I nothing has happened to me. I receive emails daily from readers who watch too much of the US media. why are you walking? Ask for a hotel concierge: The hotel staff will be able to provide full tips about where to eat and what attractions you must see. Thats why, so why the superior tone? amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; my first question is are you staying at an all-inclusive resort? I also hope to do an excursion or two but want to make sure I am keeping us safe. Estonia, a Baltic republic, a key state along NATO's eastern flank bordering Russia, and one of the most vocal supporters of Ukraine, heads to the polls this weekend. I also took my medication with me and not one person suggested it was something illegal or even looked my way. Can you please reference your opinion! Turn off MSNBS. Would like to do the same this trip. Hi Nancy. Oh btw President Trump and American main steam media arent on the same team if you havent bothered to watch the news or anything else. You might need to look through a different lens writer and honestly consider that race may be irrelevant with this??? Is it safe to drive from Cancun to Tulum 2021? Taxi drivers are reportedly furious over a court ruling. We have many working in city offices and as contractors for the road department. The answer to Q1 would be yes, I would be concerned about traveling to certain parts of Italy. Ready to plan your trip, grab myFREE Vacation Plannerto help you plan your trip in the time it takes to watch your favorite TV show! I am planning my next visit now and cant wait. Mexico is completely safe and I went last year and everything was fine. I have traveled to Mexico alone, with my bff, my husband and I am taking my daughter next year. I suggest Belize and if you are adventurous ditch the beach and stay in the jungle at Kaana Luxury Resort. You know why I dont encounter issues at home and abroad? The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico have issued a new warning to visitors of Cancun and the Mexican state of Quintana Roo over a potential conflict between taxi drivers and ride-hailing service companies which has caused many tourists to wonder is Quintana Roo safe. In spite of your loss, you are misinformed about Mexico. if your family loves seafood you can have lobster prepared every way imaginable! Mexico is a dangerous country mainly because of the corrupted government. Thinking of excursions as well. [], [] I stated in my previous article Is Mexico safe the countries below have the same Cancun travel advisory and most people dont think twice [], [] sure you take extra precautions while traveling to certain parts of Mexico because pickpockets and petty crime are at an all-time high in certain [], [] I suggest staying in places that are filled with foot traffic both day and night with both locals and tourists, youll feel and be much safer. Solo travel in Mexico can make one feel very vulnerable at times - though that goes for many places too. Well, Boston for starters. I am sure you spend your days reguritating Fox news so enjoy your trailer park. The strategy you Should NOT use to Deal with Corrupt Mexican Police. Whether it is the cab or bus driver giving you incorrect change, A cab cartel that fixes prices so high that a 10 minute cab ride is $40 to $70US, as they try to block Uber, overpriced food that is sold as high quality but what you get is inferior (advertised USDA Prime steak but get a tough dry low quality cut of meat most likely from a backyard butcher) and before you ask why are you eating steak in Mexico the answer is because all of the tourist destinations only have Italian, American, and Japanese restaurants or horrible fancy Mexican restaurants- you have to take the risk and go into town for authentic mexican to eat the authentic mystery meat tacos which are usually inferior to Mexican in Los Angeles because of the inferior ingredients. Tomiko, Mexico in these areas are now up to a Level 4. We hesitated until they got the handcuffs out. After all, plenty of affordable public transport options exist in this already traffic-clogged city. The Department of State advises that U.S. citizens not travel to the country or to leave as soon as it is safe to do so. There are areas the Mexican nationals will tell you to avoid and do so. Nayarit state Level 3: Reconsider Travel. Banjercito is the government authority that issues vehicle permits. We are so quick to point the finger at other countries but not at ourselves. are you staying at an all inclusive or renting an airbnb? When was the last time you visited Mexico? But here in Los Angeles its the areas that are predominantly Mexican that are the dangerous areas. No. Imagine 111 people out of the nearly 8 million visitors (about 1 million of whom make Mexico their full-time home). Mexico is no exception. There have been bombings, arson, executioners chasing targets through the streets, AK-47s shot on streets, dismembered bodies left in bags, executions of police and high level authorities, schools targeted, etc. Many friends and neighbors go to Manzanillo regularly for fun, dining, shopping and other stuff like excellent dental work at a fraction of the cost that one pays at home in Canada. They also fail to mention that most of that violence is drug traffic-related, or that you could count the number of tourists who are affected by it on one hand. There are no restrictions on travel for U.S government employees to: Riviera Nayarit (including Nuevo Vallarta and Bahia de Banderas) and Santa Maria del Oro. So why is the U.S. State Dept. How are you going to get from the airport to your resort? You must work for the Trump administration if you believe Mexico is dangerous. exactly. Level 4 Do Not Travel: This is the highest advisory level due to greater likelihood of life-threatening risks. Learn local road safety and driving laws before driving. Dont confuse Is Mexico safe? with Is Mexico safe for TOURISTS in TOURISTIC zones?. Dont go looking for trouble, dont go buying drugs, dont sit your drink down and thats across the board whether its in the states or internationally. It would be wonderful to find a blog of expats who regularly contribute and live in Mexico. Even with increased police security, there has still been an uptake in criminal activity so you must remain aware of your surroundings at all times. I have traveled all over Mexico with friends, family, and solo. Mexico has a wealth of culture, food, and adventure so do not miss out on traveling to this beautiful country because you are worried if is Mexico safe. I just read into is It Safe To Travel To Mexico.This is exhausting and stressful but Ive already made plans to this country Ive been wanting to return to and I dont want to cancel them (Ill loose money). I dont blame you for leaving a bad review because what if things had turned out differently. I think MAGA gave them hope that someone, somewhere could be worse off than themselves and theres an orange orangutan making sure of it. Also, have copies of your prescription and keep the original label on the bottle. Here are the annual numbers of MURDERS, given by MSA (or Metropolitan Statistical Area). I have lived 11 years in Asia and NEVER a problem there ! I have traveled all over Mexico and I have never felt unsafe. I saw on the news today Venezuela was experiencing some issues. The US government is saying Dont go at all?? This would be our first trip to Mexico. There are dangerous areas in Mexico, as in any country. I am not the least bit concerned but they are. In 2020 Mexico had the highest number of homicides in the countrys history, there were 17,439murders, a 1.7% increase but most of the deaths in Mexico are due to fighting between cartels and if you are not part of the cartel then you are probably safe. Mexico is a beautiful country and worth the effort if you plan sensibly. Yep, lost me in that 1st paragraph. Covid cases in Baja Mexico are surprisingly low. So happy I stumble upon this useful site! I thought I was going to get robbed in Rome but never once did I feel unsafe in Mexico. Watch your child carefully when at the beach inCancun. What if I stay at my resort and dont leave. If you are going to visit your great grandmother make sure you leave early in the afternoon so you will not be driving at night. Thank you again for providing travelers with information. Maru- I think there is crime everywhere and to single an entire country out is crazy to me. This Author is so uninformed its astonishing! Level 4: The six states with the do not travel advisory, because of kidnappings and other crimes, are the northern border state of Tamaulipas, the central state of Zacatecas, and the Pacific coast states of Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacn, and Guerrero. I went many years ago and drove to Chichen Itcha, Tulum and Xcaret. Planning on visiting ifrom end of Nov First few weeks in Dec. no worries Jason and I apologize for the late response as I was traveling. I ask why is that? If the answer is no then you should not be concerned is it safe to travel to Mexico? I am traveling to Puerto Vallarta with my two little kids ( 5 & 10) and husband in August and am becoming paranoid about the reconsider travel alert that is on this area. But are the odds higher in Mexico? My friend wasnt wearing a mask so they demanded a fine from both of us. Is it safe to drive all the way through Mexico? On another important note you complain about the border, illegal immigration and so called unwanted immigrants from Mexico? Mexico is not completely safe!! To avoid . lol, no great loss Jeff. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn the language as much as possible (This is not just for safety, but also for courtesy, which can actually keep you safer too!) Here you will enjoy a traditional atmosphere and peaceful environment that several beaches offer you in order to relax, or find activities such as sport fishing or bird watching and as a great closure for these activities, trying a fish that cannot be fresher. Of course. After considering Chapala, Ajijic and Puerto Vallarta, we opted to purchase a home about an hour north of Manzanillo. We leave for Mexico in 2 weeks, and with the latest on Venezula, should we cancel? amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Method one: Recovery by uninstalling Windows 10. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; After 76% of respondents to a social media survey said that they felt unsafe traveling on Mexico's highways, Mexico News Daily asked readers to weigh in on the issue via last week's MND Poll . #pathetic. I dont think our little minute amounts of meds concern them. The west coast also has famous violence problems (American family recently shot there) and sewage issues, Sayulita is famous for giving tourists norovirus and Acupulco has five beaches with the highest level of fecal contamination. No. President Obrador has not helped. My brother was murdered there 11/9/18. The city Council and Mayor will not address this issue of grassroots corruption. Have a great week! Many roads are not well lit, increasing the dangers of hitting a tope or pothole. Use your common sense and stay out of trouble. DO NOT VISIT ENSENADA in 2022, Crime is out of control. The State Department puts out the status as they see fit and its up to the rest of us to research and determine the real seriousness of the situation. Thanks. Finally they let me out. I have been to Cabo but never Cancun and want to visit Tulum. You enjoy the culture but dont want to experience the culture and food first hand. So sorry to hear about your loss. Some sources claim that the local government is suppressing the extent of the violence in an attempt to protect the tourist industry. Mexico isnt this big bad place where you will be slaughtered at every turn and I suggest you turn off Fox News. We are thinking about flying into Leon and driving to San Miguel. This blog is mindblowingly irresponsible, I was not paid by the Mexican Tourism board to write this article. The land border between the US and Mexico is open for travellers going to the US who have been vaccinated with WHO approved COVID vaccines. Do you have any wisdom about these two locations? You do not have an automatic. What do you think? After spending more than six months in Central America, driving through eight countries ( Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama ), I can say, generally speaking, it's all relatively safe and sane. Here's what to watch. In Rome You arent likely to get shot in a public place, blown up on a ferry, beheaded, cheated at every turn, and the health standrds and cleanliness far exceed any city in mexico. But beyond that it is very safe. [], [] I acknowledged in my earlier article Is Mexico safe the nations beneath have the identical Cancun journey advisory and most of the people dont [], [] is a beachfront resort located in Puerto Morelos, a popular tourist destination in Mexicos Mayan Riviera. I walked around in the city, I ate with locals, I shopped and I had a great time. Where should the border be placed actually? Do you think this is safe? Dont get scammed: If someone is asking you for your personal information will are likely scamming. YES! Yes! Rome is notorious for criminal activity but it does not receive the same fear as other destinations. Can I take my car to Mexico permanently? I checked with another travel blogger and she stated she just left this area and didnt have any issues. In the future, Id steer clear of assumptions and use facts. If you are at the beach in Hilton Head, SC you would keep an eye on your children. The writer is pushing racism. Is Tulum better than Cancun? Use ride share services where possible instead of taxis. If you're taking public transport or taxis, use only first-class buses and official registered taxis. We will book a resort all inclusive, We have plan to got to beach, chichun itza ,xcaret and There is one road in Cancun where we can go. Everything else you here is pure BS ! As an American Citizen, you should also consider signing up for, I would love to hear your thoughts on Mexicos safety and is it safe to travel to Mexico so leave me a comment on. My plans are Mexico City for 2 days than a bus to Taxco, MX, as Taxco was the main reason to return to purchase and photograph this small quaint town filled with churches. "Puerto Peasco is a safe place as long as. Tell your girlfriends not to worry and have a good time. and Baja California Sur (B.C.S.). The collective IQ of which is reported to be quite low, uneducated and generally very unhappy. It will be your loss because this woman has provided a most thorough examination of travel in Mexico. Drive carefully to avoid. Do not keep your money in your pocket, or backpack, or leave your purse and camera equipment unattended making you easy prey for criminals. etc. Could there be a correlation? I will be traveling to Piedras Negras at the end of this month. The State Department says it may be best to only use toll roads and avoid driving alone or at night. Its not isolated areas. See Entry requirements. #DOBetter. The U.S. State Department website reports that a strong rip current often is present between theHyattRegency and Club Med areas of the beach. I bring race into the post because it matters. Towing your car is technically something that the officer cant do, even though they will threaten it, but if you give them enough of a desire to cause you harm they will absolutely find a way to make it happen. Damn Skippy, I will, and in fact, I am currently planning my next trip to Mexico in June. Police extortion of tourists detained for minor offenses is often a problem and there have been some grotesque incidents. You have been warned. Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Nayarit state. Did you read my article? Because the United States is the only country selling all kinds of weapons to Mexico theres no other country including Mexico itself providing weapons to those disgusting cartels. it is absolutely necessary seeing that only countries where black and brown people come from are deemed dangerous. I think you will be just fine. I just returned from Mexico again this past sunday and I didnt stay on a resort. advising tourists to stay away from those places? If you are staying at all-inclusive resort all if not most of the activities should be included. Only thing I found was people were not that friendly, other than that we had a great time. We even rented our own car for Cozumel and felt safe driving around. Bad news for you. We feel completely safe. As citizens, we cannot trust our police; its been decades of corruption, no one stops this. My name is Pamela and I am of Mexican Canadian descent. I know the terror it feels to know someone tried to kidnap your nephews. please advise. Any tips anything else that would be helpful ? The Yucatan, for example, is especially suited to driving: Many beaches, barely developed ruins, and intriguing villages lie a good distance from the main road. Rome was a nightmare for me and it has the same level 2 warning as Mexico but you dont see the media reporting how dangerous Rome or other countries that has the same level 2 warning. If you use common sense and take reasonable safety precautions, you should have no hesitancy in visiting Mexico because Mexico is safe. A wonderful commentator mentioned Manzanillo. If you know you are going to Mexico or any country for that matter you need to have your documents in order. However, you should still travel with increased caution. Now I see all this debate about Cancun and its a little scary. And before you say that Im a narco. As my readers are planning their spring and summer travel I have been receiving a lot of questions on is Mexico safe and more specific questions about whether is Cancun safe, is Cabo San Lucas safe, is Tulum safe, and MexicoCity travel advisory. We were hoping to just use the taxi to get around, get groceries, go to nearby restaurants (walk or taxi). Its amazing what people are capable of telling themselves to put their mind at ease. At lease they share a small amount with the police and city officials/inept employees.
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