When the work has safely progressed beyond the supplemental taper, remove the upstream taper and tangent. PCMS can be used in place of an advance flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Once the district COZEEP coordinator receives the COZEEP daily reports, they should be logged into the COZEEP service summary to track COZEEP use. Review Section 12-4.05, Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities," of the Standard Specifications. Complete training in one sitting. The special provisions provide detail for railroad requirements including contractors responsibilities with the railroads to move materials or equipment within the limits of the railroad property. Make sure that the contractor places the portable radar speed feedback sign systems as shown on Standard Plans T18, T19, T20, and T21 and as far from the traveled way as practical, where it is visible and legible to approaching traffic, taking into account any vertical or horizontal roadway curvatures. Closure Search County All Counties Selected Counties: Alameda Contra Costa Marin Napa San Francisco San Mateo Santa Clara Solano Sonoma Route (s) All Routes Selected Routes: 1 4 9 12 13 17 24 25 29 35 37 61 77 80 82 84 Verify that covers placed on sign panels completely block out any messages so that the messages cannot be seen day or night. Emergency closures can be searched under Statewide. Closures are reported and managed using the web-based Lane Closure System (LCS) Mobile application. TMPs include strategies to minimize work-related traffic delays while reducing the overall duration of work activities where appropriate. Construction area signs, except those used in traffic control systems for closures, are paid for as a lump sum item. If you authorize the devices for use, record the authorization in the daily reports. Lane Closure System Welcome to LCS User ID: Password: Forgot your password? Unknown time of reopening. Communication equipment and procedures to follow when communicating with the resident engineers field representatives during contingency plan activation. The cost of providing flaggers is included in the bid item cost for portable signal systems. Verify no-passing zone signs are removed when no longer required. Supplemental construction work may be necessary to retain the existing roadways effective operating characteristics. Flashing beacons shall be placed at the locations indicated for in size and shall be orange or fluorescent red-orange in color. Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 12: Temporary Traffic Control. The resident engineer should determine which contractor activities might use COZEEP support. Anticipated times for beginning the closure pickup. Caltrans can enforce contractor compliance with closure pickup deadlines in two ways: Caltrans can order a contractor to pick up a closure early if traffic delays become significant because of a project incident or activities outside the project area. Check that the sign complies with the visibility and legibility requirements. Do not allow the contractor to use the double-stick butyl pads provided by the channelizer manufacturer; these pads do not meet Caltrans requirements. Specification details for manufacture of signs is provided on the Caltrans Sign Specifications webpage (for CA coded signs) or in the FHWA Standard Highway Signs Book (for MUTCD coded signs). Visualize what effects changing conditions of visibility and lighting will create. Periodically review the portable signal system to document its maintenance. Anticipated cooling times needed for asphalt concrete pavements before opening a lane, shoulder, or ramp to public traffic. This notification allows Caltrans to coordinate work within the highway corridor. They are not detectable by persons with visual disabilities. Additional funds may be obtained for capital projects and maintenance funded projects as follows: The resident engineer and project engineer share responsibilities for COZEEP implementation and funding allocation. For current road conditions call 1-800-427-7623. Verify that portable delineators meet the dimension requirements. Verify the contractor offsets the approach end of Type K temporary railing by 15 feet minimum from the edge of an open traffic lane, according to Section 7-1.04 Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications. According to the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials, 0.5 inch Intelplast Intelcel or similar material is authorized and according to FHWA Work Zone Letter 85 from the FHWAs Safety Program website, this type of sign substrate is authorized for use on Type 3 barricades. Systems affecting traffic only in one directionStart with the first device that the drivers will see as they enter the work zone (usually a Road Work Ahead sign). The Butterfly Lane Pedestrian Undercrossing in Montecito is open following a major improvement project. Portable flashing beacons are measured and paid for at contract item price by the unit except when they are part of a traffic control system. The resident engineer has the responsibility and authority for administering the traffic control plan and all other aspects of safety on construction projects. Some districts have adopted a practice of providing motorists additional warning by displaying information a mile or more in advance of the closure using portable or fixed changeable message signs. Move the workers and equipment onto the closed lanes only after all system components are in place. Serves as a liaison between Construction, the DTM, and the TMP manager. Verify there is enough shoulder width before allowing the use of an impact attenuator vehicle for placement and removal of components on two-lane, two-way highways. SignsReview sign line of sight visibility and verify it complies with Section 12-3.11, Construction Area Signs, of the, Vertical and horizontal curvesVerify tapers are visible for their entire length to approaching traffic. For example, a project that will occur Monday through Thursday for the next week would require only one task order. File formats include CSV, JSON, TXT and XML. Samples of activities that may require a contingency plan: A construction contingency plan describes: The contractor verifies or updates the contingency plan at the same time as submitting the written schedule of planned closures. Obtain from the contractor, the completed Form CEM-2312, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Weekly Report, within 2 business days of completing a weekly inspection. Establishing continuity is especially necessary if previous traffic shifts have created confusing or conflicting diagonal joints and have eradicated pavement markings. Construction situations frequently require a lateral shifting of traffic in relation to the normal path of travel and may involve dropping a lane. In that case, portable flashing beacons are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. Traffic cones are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. Results will display in a new window. Verify that additional speed limit signs indicating the reduced speed limit are placed within the construction work zone as specified. Caltrans is working to clear the roads in order to reopen them. Adjustments should be made to create adequate sight distance, to avoid locations that require drivers to make multiple decisions, to accommodate expected queues, and to coordinate activities at multiple locations. Contact Construction at headquarters for a current hard copy. Caltrans. Before making a decision to approve a change order that would result in a prolonged ramp closure, weigh the results of the study with factors, such as construction costs, travel costs, delay, and safety. Read More. A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed at the end of the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or ends within a larger project's limits. Caltrans requires TMPs for all planned activities on the State Highway System. Time and mileage are based on officers starting and stopping times at their reporting station and include travel to and from the project. Locate the transition so it is visible to the approaching motorist. Verify the contractor installs the temporary no-passing zone signs if no-passing centerline pavement delineation is obliterated. Avoid traffic splits if possible. Section 2-1, Safety, of this manual covers the responsibilities of the districts construction safety coordinator (CSC) who should periodically review the traffic handling for each project. If the temporary automated end of queue warning system malfunctions for a cumulative period of 4 hours or more, no payment will be made for the day. For their application, review the current California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD). When evaluating cost reduction proposals and change orders requested by the contractor, take into account the costs and savings for COZEEP services. Caltrans and the CHP have an interagency agreement that is the basis for the Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP). Drivers should be able to read the entire message at least two times before passing the sign. Imposing a 24-hour-a-day regulatory speed reduction can be difficult to justify and obtain approval for. During routine visits to the project, construction engineers should also review signing, delineation, construction contingency plans, and general traffic handling. Both the senior officer and the project supervisor should sign the completed COZEEP daily report. Section 7-1.02A, General, requires the contractor to comply with current laws, regulations and decrees. You may also consult the district Traffic Operations office. Damaged barricades should be repaired at the contractors expense, regardless of the cause, including damage by public traffic. Field adjustments to the traffic handling plans are frequent occurrences. Reviewing the TMP and traffic contingency plan for constructability issues. Consider sight distance for drivers because of temporary features such as falsework impeding view of traffic signal systems. Consider additional signage and temporary lighting for crossovers. . Checking fire safety requirements may require coordination with personnel from the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, or California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The contractor must submit a work plan and obtain authorization to proceed before starting work. Look for such signs as broken delineators, skid marks, and tire marks on temporary railing, which indicate a potential need for improvement. Place all remaining signs and devices in sequence through the work area. The Angeles CREST Highway (SR-2) is in the jurisdiction of Caltrans. Lane Closure System (LCS) Mobile Statusing Instructions This training will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. To protect the highway from damage during storms. The closure requests are stored with a SAVED status. Unstable snow conditions have prompted closure of Highway 32 between Humboldt Rd in the Lomo area of Butte County and the Highway 36 junction in Tehama. The contractors responsibility to provide written notice 5 days before closing an existing pedestrian route. Obtain a contact cell phone number for the contractor before starting activities that require a portable changeable message sign and arrange for an inspection with the contractor before the first deployment. Questions? Links: Clearly identify early-finish and late-finish milestones for every major activity. The between the L tapers required for each closed traffic lane; Lane Closure Report for the week of 7/29/19 - 8/2/19 Inyo, Mono & Eastern Kern Counties - The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) would like Consider suspending work for the next shift until a written plan is provided to address future public safety. Confirm the contractor uses the long-term temporary pavement marker for 180 days or less and the short-term temporary pavement marker for 14 days or less. QuickMap Know before you go. Do not allow the contractor to close two adjacent ramps in the same direction of travel unless necessary because of the operation or project conditions. Camino, CA 95709 Do not use the contract item for Type K temporary railing to pay for temporary railing that is placed to fulfill the requirements of the Public Safety section. Verify the contractor delineates a PCMS with a taper consisting of nine traffic cones. Mobile Measure and pay for temporary traffic screen according to the specifications. Acts as the focal point for development and implementation of TMPs. Check sign posts to confirm compliance with breakaway features. Consideration for worker safety and the safe movement of traffic through work zones starts with planning. If the portable signal system is out of operation, the contractor must provide flaggers to control the traffic until the traffic signals are in operation. Reason for Traffic Control for Water Replacement Project by Lakeside Water District. During these reviews, examine the locations of planned roadside obstacles as well as protective safety devices, signs, striping, detours, falsework, temporary railing, attenuators, and clear recovery zones. By itself, cost should not be a primary limiting factor. Make sure your designated staff and other state staff involved with traffic control attend the meeting when possible. Retroreflective sleeves on traffic cones. When portable signal systems are used in forests or grasslands, confirm adherence to all fire safety requirements. Certain equipment, such as dike placement machines, can only operate off one side of the equipment and may need to be operated against live traffic. Note any unusual local traffic patterns and scheduled special events during the life of the contract. Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, directs the contractors attention to the. Confirm the intended vehicle path is clearly visible. Try to eliminate surprise elements from temporary roadways. The statewide agreement requires that cancellations be made during normal working hours and at least 24 hours before the time that the CHP is to arrive on the project. The local CHP contact person will note in the cancellation form if Caltrans is being charged a cancellation or 4-hour overtime fee. Refer to the Oversight Resident Engineer Guidelines, Sections 3.2.2(d), Safety, and 5.2.1, Encroachment Permit, for further guidance. During the project initiation or planning stage, Caltrans considers TMP measures with associated road user costs and additional construction costs to the fullest extent feasible. Links Regional Sites Verify that portable flashing beacons comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.31, "Portable Flashing Beacons," of the Standard Specifications. Extend entrance ramps through the closed lane by projecting the left shoulder line. The activities would, therefore, cause the closure to remain past the time allowed in the closure charts. The request may be processed under the G-12 process or require a California Transportation Commission supplemental vote. Click on any marker to get project details as of March 1, 2023. Check that all crash cushion modules are filled with the proper weight of sand. Maintain a width of 60 inches throughout the length of the pedestrian pathway. The contractors responsibility to submit a Form CEM-2311, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Compliance Report, within 2 business days after construction of a temporary pedestrian access route, and a Form CEM-2312, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Weekly Report, within 2 business days of completing a weekly inspection. Compute the payment as a force account or as an adjustment of compensation based on a force account analysis. Click on any marker to get project details as of March 1, 2023. Verify the crash cushion array is in place before opening traffic lanes adjacent to the protected obstacle. Allow only the use of sandbags when it is necessary to weigh down sign standards to prevent the wind from overturning them. If automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) bid item is not shown on the bid item list, providing AFAD is change order work. Lack of escape options increases the likelihood of motorist-involved accidents that will disrupt traffic flow. (Under ideal conditions, all advance warning signs and the taper would be in a tangent with the taper placed on a slight upgrade for improved visibility.). Also, when possible, use barrier vehicles or an impact attenuator vehicle between the approaching motorist and workers on foot. During the inspection, drive through the system as though you had no knowledge of the work zone. Obtain a weekly temporary automated end of queue warning system operations report. Verify the contractor cements the bases of channelizers used for temporary edge line delineation as specified. Acts as a resource for the resident engineer, the DTM, and the TMP manager during TMP implementation. Check construction area signs often during the course of the work. Take special care to consider areas in schools or senior citizen center locations. The cost estimate used in the plans, specifications, and estimate is based on the expected number of events needing COZEEP identified during project development. Determine the exact location of the temporary signs and when they are no longer needed for the direction of traffic. Use the standard formula for taper length shown in the California MUTCD or in the projects traffic control plan details. To protect the highway during construction, improvement, or maintenance operations. Allow only one type of portable delineator on the project. The path must have a clear width of no less than 48 inches. Use of 180-day temporary pavement markers on an open-graded surface is not advised; when removed, the marker glue can peel up the open grade. Verify the contractor conducts a meeting with all involved parties to discuss the operation of the impact attenuator vehicle. If a notice of change is received, attach a copy to your copy of the COZEEP daily report, and submit the original to the district COZEEP coordinator. The following are typical situations in which field adjustments are necessary: If long closures are unavoidable, protect the active work area by placing barricades or drums across the closed lanes, upstream of the work area. Motorists who are forewarned of construction conditions may be more tolerant of delay and inconvenience and probably will be more alert and responsive to work zone traffic control. Verify visibility and legibility requirements. Extend the straight section, known as the tangent portion of the closure, to better position the taper. Confirm the signs display only pre-approved messages and that the messages conform to the Changeable Message Sign Guidelines, and district and Caltrans policy. Verify the temporary flashing beacon system includes a backup power source and automatic transfer switches. Acting as a resource for the resident engineer, construction engineer, DTM, and TMP manager during TMP implementation and reviewing the contractors construction contingency plan. Review the Public Safety section in the contract. After placing components of stationary closures, the contractor may place the impact attenuator vehicle in advance of the work area to protect workers and traffic. If the cancellation form indicates a fee is being charged, retain the form in the project records under Category 21, Construction or Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, and send a copy to the district COZEEP coordinator. If the screen blocks motorist visibility, order its removal and consult with the district traffic engineer concerning alternatives. Check pallet heights when used. Prohibit messages that do not convey real-time information to the motorist. Require the contractor to keep signs clean and clearly visible, and repair them if damaged. Verify that all traffic control devices are correctly placed and functioning properly. Return exceptions to the district and area offices involved for resolution. Take the following steps before work begins: Discuss any flagging operation with the contractor before the operation begins. Inspect all traffic control devices to verify conformity with the specifications. File completed ADA compliance reports in Category 23, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the project files. Capital projectsif insufficient funds are available in both supplemental work funds and contingency funds, propose a fund request. If the contractor is to place the traffic control system repeatedly in the same place, the contractor can request to mark on the shoulder the locations of advance warning signs, cones, and drums. Verify that temporary traffic stripe tape for use more than 14 days is applied according to the specifications, and temporary traffic stripe tape to remain in use 14 days or less is applied according to the manufacturers instructions. Inspect TPARs weekly to verify that they are clean and unobstructed and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the work plan required by the specifications. This should be done when a request for COZEEP has been received in writing from the contractor. This will speed the placing of closures and allow for a more consistent taper alignment. Use the following criteria and risk factors to determine when COZEEP is needed on a project. Below are Twitter Feeds from Caltrans District 6 and District 7 with updates. Next install the first sign drivers will see in approaching the work area from the affected direction. Verify that temporary crash cushion modules used were manufactured after March 31, 1997. Whenever possible, allow traffic to have continued full use of the existing facilities. Obtain a copy of the manufacturers instructions for the portable transverse rumble strips. To enhance night visibility, delineate material, equipment, excavations, or obstructions 15 feet or more from the traveled way. Contractors are required to request closures using the Caltrans Lane Closure System (LCS) and status closures using the Lane Closure System Mobile web page. If new asphalt concrete joins existing asphalt concrete, the difference in texture and color between them creates a taper in the new traffic lane that may convey the wrong sense of direction, especially at night or in rain. Ramps and connectorsManaging ramps and connectors within a closure requires additional consideration. When full use is not possible, accommodate traffic by verifying a continuous roadway throughout the length of the project, achieved by using one or a combination of the following: The newly constructed highway or portions of it, A detour where traffic, including pedestrians and bicycles, is diverted over a temporary roadway, Passage of traffic through the work in progress. A general time-scaled logic diagram displaying the major activities and sequence of planned activities that comply with special provision requirements. Removal of the traffic control systemRemove all workers and equipment from the roadway. The following practices are recommended if opposing operations are undertaken: Conduct intermittent day and night inspections to verify compliance with visibility and legibility requirements for: While specific levels of quality control for temporary traffic control are not included in Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, of the Standard Specifications, the contractor is responsible for providing quality control under Sections 5-1.01, General, and 6-2.02, Quality Control, of the Standard Specifications. If advanced flaggers or additional flaggers are not shown or specified, then Caltrans pays 100 percent by change order. Request a certificate of compliance for Type K temporary railing. Reviews the contractors contingency plan. For temporary pedestrian facilities, do the following: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/construction/safety-traffic, Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 2-204B State Representative on Projects Administered by Others, 2-204C District Construction Safety Coordinator, 2-205 Guidelines for Traffic Control Plans, 2-206G Surfacing MaterialsColor and Texture, 2-212 Keeping the Roadway Clear and Clean, 2-214C (4) Construction Engineers, Resident Engineers, and Construction Inspectors, 2-215 Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, 2-215A (1) Estimating COZEEP Funding Requirements, 2-216B Requirements of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. Type K temporary railing placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane requires a reflector on each rail unit. EL DORADO, Calif. (KTXL) - A rockslide closed off both directions of Highway 50 near Echo Summit for hours Friday. BOX 942874, MS-32 SACRAMENTO, CA 94274 PHONE (916) 653-0548 Making Conservation TTY 711 a California Way of Life. When possible, implement temporary speed limit reductions in conjunction with a COZEEP operation. Verify telescoping flag trees are from a commercial-quality material manufacturer. Payment is computed as extra work. The special bulbs used with solar signs have much narrower beams than conventional bulbs and, therefore, require greater care while being aimed. Construction signs should be covered or removed whenever they no longer serve a purpose. If the contractor cannot address the traffic safety issue and it is not safe to suspend the work, request that the contractor take all steps necessary to provide for traffic safety and allow only the work to continue that had started at the time the issue was recognized. Confirm flaggers are wearing American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-compliant garments in accordance with the Construction Safety Orders of the California Department of Industrial Relations, or the prime contractors or subcontractors Injury and Illness Prevention Program or Code of Safe Practices, whichever is more stringent. Retroreflective sheeting on channelizers. Verify Type K temporary railing is placed on a firm, stable foundation uniformly graded throughout the entire length of the railing. Directing the contractor to move the portable flashing beacon after initial placement is change order work. Caltrans or the contractor prepares plans to provide unobstructed roadways. If the opening has a drop off behind it that might present a hazard to the public, document in the resident engineers daily report an exception to the Standard Plans note and have the contractor close the gap for public safety purposes. Review with the contractor how flaggers will communicate with each other, with pilot cars, and with workers inside the controlled area. If the contractor requests additional CHP support beyond what the project plan includes, you may, if appropriate, write a change order. Pedestrian facilities must be surfaced with asphalt concrete, portland cement concrete, or timber. During the term of the contract, the CHP may increase or decrease the rates shown in the contract by notifying the Caltrans statewide contract managers, who will notify the district coordinators. Verify the planned temporary signal system includes a backup power source and automatic transfer switches. The contract item for a temporary flashing beacon system, commonly bid as furnish-each or furnish-lump sum, includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the system. If the contractor requests modifications to the contract traffic control plans, refer them to Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, of the. Also confirm it in writing using Form CEM-2103, COZEEP/MAZEEP Cancellation Form. Once contact is made, the CHP coordinator will return the completed cancellation form. Check the installation and maintenance of Type P marker panel according to sheet A81C of the StandardPlans. M1. Provide notification of planned sidewalk closures. The contractor bears costs and expenses for additional support from the CHP, and Caltrans deducts associated costs from monies due the contractor. The contract item price also includes the costs of work necessary to restore channelizers damaged by public traffic. If differences exist, try to make them readily apparent. Request a certificate of compliance for each portable changeable message sign. Do not allow the contractor to mix different types of temporary traffic control devices on the same alignment. Dirt is not an acceptable surface. Closures not needed on the authorized date are 10-22 within 2 hours after the authorized start time. The Department has standardized its road and lane closure reporting into a statewide Lane Closure System (LCS). Confirm the contractor installs a reflector on each rail unit placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane. Verify that the contractor uses the LCS Mobile website to status closures in a timely manner. If the portable transverse rumble strips become out of alignment or skewed by more than 6 inches, have the contractor readjust them to the original location. Consult your district COZEEP coordinator for a current estimate of hourly and mileage COZEEP cost. Obtain the information of trained contractor representatives, including whether they will be requesting or providing a status of closures, or both. For public safety, when flaggers are not shown on the plans or specified and when ordered by the engineer, providing flaggers is change order work for which Caltrans pays 100 percent.
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