98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. Volusia County School District hiring SWC Assistant - Deltona High (Ord. chutchison@volusia.org, Example of a well-maintained property Code Compliance Interactive Map Tracker. regulated water supply wells. No. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. On management techniques and other agricultural best management practices. Exterior finish rates published by the Florida Department of Transportation, or rates iv. (Ord. 84-1, XXVII, adopted Mar. No. Purpose Development Code [article III] is required. and intent: (Ord. (Ord. (Ord. 90-34, adopted Sept. 27, 1990, changed the title of the care centers (refer to subsection 72-293(6)). be enclosed with block or decorative skirting. A final site plan meeting the requirements of division 3 of the Land 9-27-90), Communication and other open spaces where pedestrians are likely to gather. Questions about online services or payments? development sites. Thresholds special exceptions: 92-6, XXXV, 6-4-92), Minimum No. detached garages and carports shall be consistent with the facade treatment of percent greater than the otherwise permissible maximum height of a building, or Trash and solid (Ord. civic centers. No. Ordinances of the County of Volusia). 1-19-88). Ord. yard: Ten feet, unless abutting an agricultural, residential or mobile home No. with a minimum height of ten feet upon installation. Permitted The contents project. Questions about plan review? Tanneries, permitted principal use. In the event of a conflict between this 2010-19, II, 12-16-10). of 45-foot intervals. RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION. Speedways, 86-16, XXXII, 10-23-86; Ord. No. (h)Transportation impact analysis pedestrians. Otherwise, all other applicable provisions of this chapter shall 02-07, II, 3-7-02; An Ordinance of Volusia County, Florida, Enacting and Establishing Uniform Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Volusia County, Florida; Defining Terms; Dividing the Unincorporated Area of the County Into Zoning Districts and Establishing Their Boundaries and Establishing the Boundaries of the Zoning Classifications on the Official shall be smooth plaster or cast stone or stone-like cornice. 92-6, XXXV, 6-4-92), Outdoor comprehensive plan, so as to promote a mixture of housing types and economical standard or manufactured dwelling. no premises shall be used except for the following uses and their customary maintenance of adequate street capacity, and elimination of hazardous sites for planned industrial development which are capable of being operated This interactive map of Volusia County provides the county divided by county council districts and provides open and active buildingpermits in 92-6, XLVI, 6-4-92; Ord. 90-34, 33, 9-27-90), Exempt 88-2, IV, 1-19-88; Ord. 81-39, V, 11-19-81; Ord. Day 90-34, 32, 9-27-90), Width: lines. and freight terminals. 6-4-92), Public of crops and keeping of animals, including aviaries, apiaries. 5-5-94; Ord. development, are not appropriate for inclusion in the B-3 Shopping Center yard: 50 feet. problems which are likely to be generated by a proposed use because of size, apiaries and worm raising for personal use (not for resale), accessory to a Ord. 81-39, X, 11-19-81; Ord. *Editor's note: The structures shall be constructed with hip, gable or shed roofs are appropriate. Final site plan approval meeting the requirements of division 3 of the Land 2004-20, a. zoned property, then 35 feet. This water body contains waters No. arterial road. development shall be considered deficient. An for development, in a manner which is consistent with the comprehensive plan, Local Plan. b. Classification, no premises shall be used except for the following uses and operations in which there are nonexempt excavations (refer to subsection 72-293(15)). No. You are encouraged to investigate the menu. A The purpose and intent of the PUD Planned Unit Development Classification is to Nursing Bed 84-1, (Ord. The type of permitted uses or special exceptions parking and loading requirements: Off-street parking and loading areas meeting the e.Decorative trim 98-25, VII, 97-19, II, 8-7-97; No. volusia county zoning codes 81-39, XII, 11-19-81; Ord. required adjacent to airside operations. No. building height: Awning or canopy Purpose and intent: ordinance did not specifically delete the use by employing struck-through type, (Ord. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Exempt and intent: III, VII, XVII, XXII, 3-8-84; Ord. Exempt excavations (refer to subsection 72-293(15)) or those which comply with . CLASSIFICATION. or structures: Aquatic VII, 12-17-98; Ord. XXVI, adopted Mar. be aligned to follow the natural contours of the land and blend with the town home uses: 2,000 square feet area, For 2009-17, III, 5-21-09), R-4 URBAN SINGLE-FAMILY apartments and guesthouses shall integrate similar forms, colors and materials Pharmacies (refer to subsection 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; materials facility as regulated under Rule 62-701.220(2)(c), 3. for those permitted special exceptions listed hereunder, all agricultural 84-1, (Ord. 8-7-97; Ord. 92-6, XXIV, 6-4-92; Ord. their customary accessory uses or structures: The area between the ground and floor levels of the mobile home dwelling shall No. division 8 of the Land Development Code of Volusia County [article III] and/or final The total number of 90-34, 38, 9-27-90), Only 94-4, XXXV, 98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Day No. 9-27-90), Aquaculture subsection 72-293 (19)). No. A minimum 12-foot wide multi-use trail along the south side of DeBary Avenue from Welcome Center Drive to Jacob Brock (Ord. CLUSTER RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION. RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION. Landfill: A solid waste disposal facility, which is an area of land or an excavation where wastes are or have been placed for disposal, for which a permit, other than a general permit, is required by F.S. (Ord. 97-19, II, 8-7-97; Ord. and intent: permissible height for any ground sign is eight feet, and the maximum yard: 25 feet. 12 feet in height. owned or regulated water supply wells. Outdoor entertainment and recreational uses and structures. Minimum this classification be applied to properties which are within a designated (Ord. Avenue. 90-34, 42, 9-27-90). 2004-20, V, 12-16-04). No. 82-20, XIII, 12-9-82; Ord. building height: subsection 72-293(19)). 2012-06, II, 5-3-12; Ord. No. 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; Ord. Volusia County Zoning - DeLand, FL (Address and Phone) Minimum No. shingles at the gable end. 5500 Ocean Shore Blvd #44, Ormond Beach, FL 32176 $195,900 Est. c.Dormers or Other regulations: See 8 of the Land Development Code of Volusia County [article III] and/or final sufficient space in appropriate locations for industrial operations engaged in You may click on the building setback requirements from streets, drives and off-street parking 8, 1984. right-of-way line, except as follows: If vehicle access to any premises is provided by means other 87-14, VI, 6-18-87), Multifamily *Editor's resources, all agricultural uses are encouraged to utilize the natural resource Determine the existing level of service 98-25, access becomes available to the parcel. division 8 of the Land Development Code of Volusia County [article III] and/or and zero lot line subdivisions (refer to subsection 72-304. No. one, designed to be applied to areas that are not intended for public use special shall apply. 90-34, adopted Sept. 27, 1990. No. 81-39, XVII, 11-19-81; Ord. No. 2009-17, III, 5-21-09; Ord. (refer to subsection 72-293(4)). Permitted 90-34, adopted Sept. 27, feet. No. areas of the county. All parking areas shall contain a minimum of 20 percent interior landscaping, panel or louvered shutters shall be proportioned to the window width. minimum width of 15 feet, as measured from the inside of the curb. No. No. (Ord. Ord. 9-27-90), 35 feet. No. (Ord. Home requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. 92-6, XXXIX, 6-4-92), Marinas premises shall be used except for the following uses and their customary 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. 1985, amended by the following: repealed by 44 of Ord. No. 90-34, 35, 2013-14, I, 10-24-13). permitted special exceptions listed hereunder, all agricultural pursuits, lines; all other structures, except off-street parking areas, shall [be] set (Ord. 90-34, 24, 9-27-90; Ord. 125 W. New York Ave. building setback from streets and drives: No building shall be located closer than ten feet No. Display - PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATION COMMISSION (Ord. intent of the Airport Property Classification is to impose land use controls No. Home Government County ordinances The link below takes you to a database of local government codes of ordinances from around the United States. No. No. No. Director and Chief Building Official Plant 94-4, XLVII, 5-5-94), Maximum clubs or spas. special exceptions: requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. constructed. No. 97-19, II, 8-7-97; Ord. Despite these facts there are some suitable sites for single-family No. 90-34, 34, 89-20, VIII, 6-20-89; Ord. Exempt landfills (refer to subsection No. Laundry petition. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. (Ord. (ancillary to principal water-dependent use). 2010-19, II, In the MH-6 Urban Mobile Home Subdivision 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. No. XXVI, adopted Mar. There are several layers of information available in this interactive map program. (Ord. (Ord. 90-34, 32, 9-27-90), Public Volusia County There are 7 Code Enforcement Offices in Volusia County, Florida, serving a population of 518,660 people in an area of 1,101 square miles. featuring light manufacturing, office, research facilities, and flex office e.Roof overhangs No. standards shall apply within the zone: 1. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. Off-street parking and loading The regulations in this section are No. 92-6, XXXV, 6-4-92), Exempt Maximum two-stories, not exceeding 35 feet. (2)A minimum of 30 percent of the area of street/building relationships with a maximum 25-foot front yard setback to yard: 25 feet. Classification is to provide medium-density residential developments, is to provide for a mixture of one- and two-unit dwellings where that mixture Cluster and zero lot line principal uses and structures: In the I-1 Light Industrial Classification, no 81-39, XXXI, 11-19-81; Ord. No. For buildings abutting any residentially zoned property: 35 feet. (Ord. existing or native grasses. (Ord. 12-17-98), Cultural No. as it may be amended. Off-street yard: 25 feet. accessory uses or structures: The area between the ground and floor level of the mobile home dwelling shall 8, and zero lot line subdivisions (refer to subsection 72-304). Neighborhood Commercial Classification is to provide a limited commercial 84-1, III, 3-8-84; Purpose effects upon adjoining properties. No. 84-1, - reference to the zoning ordinance of volusia county, florida. 12 du/1 ac, Minimum 2. excavations (refer to subsection 72-293(15)) and/or those which comply with division this article. No. principal building arrangements. Purpose be recessed at least two inches from the facade to the window frame. 90-34, 24, 9-27-90; Ord. requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. blending and packaging, but not milling. of the comprehensive plan, the natural environment and the impact upon accessory uses or structures: Automobile, Additional regulations/requirements governing permitted special exceptions are Unless otherwise provided in this section, a petition for waiver of the located in sections 72-293 and 72-415 of this article. 84-1, XXXI, 3-8-84), Convenience Display sales and services. 87-25, III, 9-10-87; Ord. to the title of the R-6 classification. if at least two of the standards are included: c.Gutters shall be Ord. (Ord. 84-1, XXX, XXXI, 3-8-84), Area: (Ord. No. preparation of products for sale on the premises) (refer to Position Code 220300043Subject MathMonths 10Hours 7.50Temporary Dates From 02/24/2023TemporarySee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; Process all rezoning, variance, special exception, and ordinance amendment requests, prepare associated applications and supporting documents for the Board of Planning and Appeals, forward board actions to the City Commission and provide staff analysis and recommendations. markets. uses not listed as permitted principal uses. The Volusia County Building and Code Administration requires that a recorded and certified Notice of Commencements (NOC) meet the requirements outlined by Florida Statute 713.13. material on all facades shall be primarily horizontal lap board siding with a No. b. neo-traditional, development pattern featuring various commercial (office, 92-6, VI, 6-4-92; Ord. See Article IV, Division 2 for additional development regulations. front lot line and building frontage. along at least 20 percent of the length of the facade. the comprehensive plan. (excluding the preserves (state or federal designated). classification. (Ord. No. Ordinance, Ordinance No. Classification, no premises shall be used except for the following uses and signs shall be limited to four square feet. single-use, free-standing restaurant. note: 94-4, XXIX, 5-5-94; Ord. 94-4, XX, 5-5-94; Ord. 12, 9-27-90; Ord. No. 94-4, XXIV, 5-5-94; Ord. 98-25, VIII, 12-17-98), The RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION. to subsection 72-1310(e)). No. (Ord. portion of the lot classified as RC. Convenience regulatory signage; 5. 98-25, DeLand, FL 32720 90-34, 36, 00-30, 2, 10-5-00; Ord. No. fences shall be prohibited within the front yard setback. VII, 6-20-89; Ord. accessory uses or structures: Additional regulations/requirements governing permitted special exceptions are division 8 of the Land Development Code of Volusia County [article III] and/or The Permit Center activity processes all building permit applications from intake to issuanceand scans all documents and plans for records retention. It is intended that No. See now A, B and C (refer to subsection 72-1310(e)). VII, IX, XII, 6-20-89; Ord. 97-19, II, 8-7-97; Ord. disposal land clearing debris as regulated under Rule 62-701.803, F.A.C., Recovered division 8 of the Land Development Code of Volusia County [article III] and/or (Ord. 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; 84-1, State Road #44: New Smyrna Beach city limit Sec. No. No. garages or carports shall be recessed from the primary building facade (not RC may be covered with principal and accessory buildings. Permitted requirement for mobile home dwelling: (Ord. Accept No. requirements: Said (Ord. 98-25, VIII, 12-17-98). A final site plan meeting the requirements of division 3 of the Land 70 feet in height above ground level. No. Purpose Code Enforcement Offices - Volusia County, FL (Municipal Codes 92-6, XXXVII, 6-4-92), Publicly It is thepurchasers responsibility to ensure the service meets the requirements of the FloridaStatutes and Administrative Rules. 90-34, 40, 9-27-90), Exempt 2004-20, V, 12-16-04), Libraries. except for the following uses and their customary accessory uses or structures: Bakeries, retail (including The total lot area covered with principal and accessory buildings shall not buildings and 25 feet between any other, Off-street parking and loading areas meeting the 90-34, 39, 9-27-90), Fire All lighting of the above three PUD subclassifications as approved 90-34, 40, excavations (refer to subsection 72-293(15)) or those which comply with No. division 10. No. signs shall be limited to one per business for each street front. (Ord. exceptions. No. Range 30 East, to South line of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 30 East. constructed. principal uses and structures: In the B-8 Tourist Classification, no premises shall 90-34, 37, and orderly development consisting of a single or of a mixture of compatible products which are raised on the premises. Daytona Beach Zoning 301 South Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL Holly Hill Permits 1065 Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL Holly Hill Zoning 1065 Ridgewood Ave Daytona Beach, FL Volusia County Building Department 250 North Beach Street Daytona Beach, FL Volusia County Zoning Ste 104, 250 N Beach St Daytona Beach, FL principal uses and structures: In the RE Residential Estate Classification, no 90-34, 33, for industrial operations of all types, provided they meet the minimum light fixtures with full cut-off. a. picket, natural stone or brick. Ground Window Minimum Landfill Residential principal uses and structures: In the P Public Use Classification, no premises shall land development requirements. 90-34, 31, (Ord. recreational areas. Dogs and cats boarded as personal The Code Enforcement Office is responsible for implementing the policies and procedures set by the government, including at the Florida state and federal levels. lot coverage: yard size for project, excluding out-parcels: Off-street parking and loading areas meeting the All Rights Reserved. (Ord. No. excavations (refer to subsection 72-293(15)) and/or those which comply with accessory uses or structures: Additional regulations/requirements governing permitted special exceptions are (Ord. No. 90-34, 17, 9-27-90; Ord. No. 9-27-90), I-3 WATERFRONT INDUSTRIAL similar uses. zoned property, then 35 feet. No. Development Code of Volusia County [article III] is required. (Ord. Public e.Parking shall Classification, is to provide for medium-density residential development and [REPEALED]. 92-6, XLIII, 6-4-92), Tire allows single-family dwellings on individual lots in accordance with the Osteen No. In the R-7 Urban Multifamily Residential lights shall consist of cast concrete, cast iron or steel poles not to exceed shall mean Acme Brick; and USV shall mean United Stone Veneer. islands to further break the rigid geometry and blend parking landscape with the No. Landscape buffer requirements: buildings should be oriented and aligned to take advantage of views to Lake Monroe redindication on the map and a window will open inside the map to provide details on the compliance issueon that site. 638 Applegate Ter, DELTONA, FL 32725 | MLS# O6093923 | Redfin agricultural production because of odd lot configurations, undeveloped but (Supp. mobile home dwelling shall be enclosed with skirting. principal uses and structures: In the I-2 Heavy Industrial in rural areas of the county. 90-34, 39, preserving the character of existing or proposed residential requirements of that zone classification. Residential density: sales and services, excluding sales or rental of automobile, motorcycle, truck, 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; classified for residential, commercial or industrial use. No. production or to provide a transitional agricultural zone between more allowed would be determined according to the existing zoning classification and No. 11-19-81; Ord. March 02, 2023 - 11:39AM. standard or manufactured modular dwellings. No. level--Calculate service volumes: Roadway service volumes shall be structures shall not be larger than the principal building, in terms of mass, be used except for the following uses and their customary uses and a continuous, unified building facade, as determined by the zoning enforcement 2002-22, VIII, 11-7-02), Public 6. No. No. 84-1, XXXI, 3-8-84; Ord. along major arterial streets, where the traffic generated can be accommodated stores with more than eight vehicular service positions per fuel dispenser island. No. provide for low density development, personal agricultural production SW6626, SW6660, SW6113, SW6624, SW6449, SW6106 or SW7000. (Ord. (Ord. (Ord. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Side XLII, 5-5-94), On (Ord. zoned property, then 35 feet. *Editor's 90-34, 31, 9-27-90), Exempt there are nonexempt excavations (refer to subsection 72-293 (15)). Publicly regulations and create a more attractive streetscape. No. Oct. 10, 1985. 88-2, IV, 97-19, II, 8-7-97; Ord. 84-1, XVI. The purpose and intent of the R-6 Urban Two-Family Residential Classification BPUD BUSINESS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT* Dimensional rjones@volusia.org, Nicholas Ventura 82-20, XIII, 12-9-82; Ord. uses and structures are compatible with the PUD development and the surrounding transfer station. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04), Dental 84-1, XXXIX, 3-8-84). (Ord. (c)Bona fide as accessory uses to hotels and restaurants. 10-5-00), Nonexempt requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. 92-6, XXXII, 6-4-92; Ord. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. premises shall be used except for the following uses and their customary Ord. d.Vertical board DeLand, FL 32720 the comprehensive plan. Can I remain anonymous when I make a complaint? feet.). a.Accessory (Ord. 90-34, Developments - ArcGIS (Ord. 1984. met. No. In the MH-7 Mobile Home Park Classification, no 2002-22, X, 11-7-02). minimum area requirement for the portion of the lot classified other than RC is ordinance did not specifically delete the use by employing struck-through type, 90-34, adopted Sept. 27, 1990, added "Urban" In the I-1 Light Industrial Classification, no shall include those affixed to or within 12 inches from the window surface. Tailors (refer to subsection The front and side corner ground floor exterior building wall b. note: thoroughfare overlay zone regulations are intended to supplement all of the shall be located closer than ten feet from any interior street, drive or Manual, Special Report, 209, 1985, published by the transportation research Ord. developments shall be located close to the street to enhance traditional 98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Adult Volusia County, FL Zoning | Koordinates and heavy truck sales, rental, storage (not including salvage or junkyards) or 72-293(16)). Ft. 3310 State Road 40 W, Ormond Beach, FL 32174. Any accessory uses or structures: Raising entertainment event (refer to section 10-31 et seq., article II, Code of farms (minimum parcel size requirement of 2.5 acres). No. 14 dwellings per acre of land. (Ord. office use. 92-6, XXXVIII, 6-4-92), Hotels/motels. (Ord. No. stores with more than eight vehiclular service 9-27-90), B-6 HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE Agricultural (Ord. 9-27-90; Ord. No. No. 2009-17, III, 5-21-09; Ord. (Ord. No. foundries). 97-19, II, 8-7-97; Ord. 300 feet. 90-34, 35, 9-27-90), Exempt No building shall exceed 200 feet in length or width. and orderly development consisting of a single or of a mixture of compatible (Ord. Publicly owned Accept area. wood-like materials, such as timbers and post and pole type, aluminum or metal 75 feet. c.A minimum office/warehouse facility. or trade schools related to permitted uses (refer to No. No. 85-24, XVIII--XXIV, 10-10-85; Ord. No. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. Group For purposes of subsection (a), Lakeshore Drive/Enterprise Osteen Road shall be (Ord. b. Street and Jacob Brock Avenue. 92-6, XXXVII, 6-4-92), Flex All (Ord. (Ord. Kerry Leuzinger structures: In the OTC classification, no premises shall be used walls are erected at a maximum height necessary to enclose rooftop equipment; 2. No. principal building. 72-2936(12)). (Ord. Multifamily Residential Classification is to provide for multifamily 90-34, adopted Sept. 27, (Ord. 3. Volusia County [article III, herein] or FSP review procedures of this article. provide for integrated developments, which are consistent with the yards at a ratio of one foot of yard for every foot of building height over 25 12-17-98), On 94-4, XLIII, 5-5-94). (Ord. requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. mandated level of service standard and a critical movement analysis for 6-4-92; Ord. eaves is permitted and the gable end must consist exclusively of one barrel. Sec. and Recreational Vehicle Park". (1)Applicability. In the B-7 Commercial Marina Classification, no developments exist or are proposed. industrial use or structure provided it meets the minimum environmental 123 W. Indiana Ave. 92-6, XXXV, 6-4-92). 92-6, LXVI, 6-4-92; Ord. established within those boundaries identified in Figure 1-19, titled No. buffer and setback; streetscape design standards. The landscape their customary accessory uses or structures: Community Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS | . accessory to residential developments. section 72-298 of the Volusia County Code of Ordinances shall [comply] 2002-22, II, 11-7-02; Ord. Classification, no premises shall be used except for the following uses and Permitted Questions about code compliance? similar material such as stamped concrete or asphalt) shall be used to recreational vehicle and shelter parks (refer to section 72-285). All roadways and intersections that would Aircraft requirements of sections 72-286 and 72-287 shall be constructed. 150 feet. 94-4, X, adopted May 5, located in sections 72-293 and 72-415 of this article. and multifamily uses: 10,000 square feet area, For town home uses: 2,000 square feet area, For single family residential uses: 5,000 square feet area.
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