Among young males who were dealt with by a suspended sentence, 82% had a record of fixed period exclusion, compared to 59% of young females; a 24 percentage point difference. Data are presented in terms of calendar and financial years (usually 2019 or 2019/20), reflecting the reporting cycles and data collection of the agencies contributing information for this publication. In addition, the annual report from the Head of Profession to the National Statistician will: Provide information on how many revisions were required to our publications and the reasons for these. , Only two sentence length categories have been used for analysis of the MoJ-DfE data due to small volumes when the data is broken down. The custody rate for male offenders was highest for Chinese and Other at 37%. It draws upon published extracts of human resources records for the police (2019/20), Ministry of Justice (MoJ; 2018/19), Crown Prosecution Service (CPS; 2018/19), Her Majestys Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS; 2019/20), magistracy[footnote 119] and judiciary[footnote 120]. Following prosecution, defendants found guilty are subsequently convicted and sentenced. They represent experimental statistics and tables on this data are provided in the accompanying overview tables. This publication is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Youth custody report: September 2017 published. Section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 states that: The Secretary of State shall in each year publish such information as they consider expedient for the purpose of facilitating the performance of those engaged in the administration of justice to avoid discriminating against any persons on the ground of race or sex or any other improper ground. , Caution should be taken when comparing figures for senior staff, however, because the numbers of individuals represented are small - changing a single case could have a noticeable effect. , Where sex is known. Figure 8.01: The proportion of male and female offenders prosecuted for each offence group, England and Wales, 2019. June 28, 2018. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure the limitations of these data are taken into account. Figure 5.11: Proportion of offenders sentenced for indictable offences, by sentencing outcome and sex, 2019, Sentence lengths and average custodial sentence length (ACSL). PDF Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System - GOV.UK The overall child conviction ratio for indictable offences remained broadly stable since 2015, at 70%. In 2019, over half (55%) of the prosecutions for female defendants were for summary non-motoring offences, compared to under a third (29%) of male defendants. In 2019, the highest level of concordance (excluding suspended sentence orders) for both males and females was in custodial sentences, at 89% for males and 79% for females[footnote 55]. In 2018/19, 21% of the 85,900 adults who engaged with liaison and diversion services were female. In contrast, a higher proportion of male than female first time offenders were cautioned or convicted for drug offences over the last 5 years (13% and 5% respectively in 2019). Youth Custody report for June 2013 published. Why Do Women Get Child Custody In 90 Percent Of All Cases? Isn't It In 2019, prosecutions by age distribution of males and female defendants was broadly similar, with the majority of defendants concentrated between the ages of 18 and 59. The number of arrests has seen a larger percentage decrease for children than adults over the last 5 years, with decreases of 21% for adults and 27% for children since 2015/16. There are few comparisons to the population as a whole, but we have considered this to be 51% female, as based on Mid-year Population Estimates from the Office for National Statistics. , See the Criminal justice statistics outcomes by offence data tool in Criminal Justice Statistics Quarterly: December 2019 to obtain all statistics on prosecutions, convictions and sentencing quoted in this chapter. Consistently, White females and males had the shortest ACSL while Asian females and males had the longest ACSL for indictable offences in 2019 at 20.8 months and 28.4 months, respectively. A higher proportion of female defendants were not remanded by police, which may be due in part to the different types of offences for which females and males are prosecuted and hence the risk they are perceived as representing. A 5-year time series have been presented wherever possible, of whichever length is most appropriate in context. , For 2014/15, following SEND reforms, SEN pupils are categorised as SEN with a statement or Education, health and care (EHC) plan and SEN support. Topics include: Prison Population, Youth Custody, Unsentenced prison remand population, Sentences served in prison (type and length) Receptions and Releases, Her Majestys Inspectorate for Prisons (HMIP) survey[footnote 59], Self-harm in custody, Probation (Community Orders and Suspended Sentence Orders). An oral report is usually completed within 24 hours of conviction where a limited amount of information is required by the sentencing court. Court custody includes those remanded in custody at any stage of proceedings at magistrates or Crown Court who may also have been given bail or not remanded at some stage of those proceedings. , Breakdown by offence type is not available in the CSEW 2019/20 data. The proportion of PNDs issued to females was stable at 22% until 2018 when it fell to 19% and then to 18% in 2019. Crime higher concerns legal representation in the Crown Court and above. Youth custody report for September 2016 published. , See technical guide for more information on PNDs. This analysis compares the genders in the matched young offender cohort, broken down by disposal, educational attainment, pupil characteristics, persistent absence and exclusion. The overall level of concordance between sentences proposed and sentences given (excluding Other) has fallen from 74% in 2017 to 68% in 2018 and was 60% in 2019. The total prison population as at 30 June 2019[footnote 60] was 82,700. Offenders with 15 or more previous cautions or convictions. 5 or more GCSEs (or equivalents) graded A* to C, including English & Maths. Department of Work and Pensions benefits statistics, fewer women coming into the criminal justice system and reoffending, fewer women in custody, especially on short-term sentences, and a greater proportion of women managed in the community successfully; and. Fines accounted for 99% of those sentenced for TV licence evasion in 2019 across both sexes. , Out of court disposals available to the police and CPS in 2019 included: simple and conditional cautions; cannabis and khat warnings; penalty notices for disorder (PNDs); and community resolutions. Reported in the Judicial Diversity Statistics 2019 publication. Of all female defendants prosecuted at court, 55% were prosecuted for summary non-motoring offences compared to 29% of male defendants in the latest year. Email:, Alternative formats are available on request from, Available at, Fieldwork for the year to March 2020 was suspended two weeks early on Wednesday the 18th March 2020, just prior to the lockdown restrictions being announced by the Government on the 23rd March 2020. In 2019, 13% of females were cautioned or convicted as first time offenders for theft offences, compared with 7% of males. Figure 5.03: Number of defendants proceeded against at magistrates courts, by offence type and sex, 2015 to 2019. The statistics reported in this bulletin are primarily National Statistics[footnote 1], as drawn from either other published National Statistics bulletins or the data underpinning them. When a suspect is formally charged, they are brought before a magistrates court (as a defendant) as soon as possible. It covers statistics on arrests and detentions under the Mental Health Act (1983), which are published by the Home Office in the Police Powers and Procedures, England and Wales, year ending 31 March 2020 publication. Figure 5.06: Remand status at magistrates courts, by sex, 2015 to 2019. The proportion of females experiencing domestic abuse in 2019/20 was 7.3%, double that of males (3.6%). Despite this, a higher proportion of females reported verbal abuse, threats and bullying from other prisoners. Some of the proportions presented in this analysis are based on small sample sizes so care should be taken when comparing results for different genders. The greater tendency for female first time offenders to be cautioned or convicted for theft aligns with trends for offenders more generally, as discussed in Chapter 4: Police Activity. (US Census Bureau, Statista) They are awarded National Statistics status following an assessment by the Authoritys regulatory arm. In 2019, sentences for female offenders had a higher level of concordance with their pre-sentence report (excluding Other) (66%) than male offenders (59%). Reference will usually be made to children by which we refer to individuals aged 10 to 17 years of age[footnote 80][footnote 81]. The Ministry of Justice would welcome any feedback on the content, presentation or on any other aspect of this bulletin we can be contacted through: To allow for variable changes in headcount throughout the period considered, the sexes are best considered in terms of proportions of staff rather than absolute numbers. Child Custody Statistics: What Custodial Parents Should Know A gender bias argument should not be used by a divorced father unless he has personal experience and can back up that experience with proof. The following section discusses child offenders at different stages of the Criminal Justice System. The most common sentence for summary benefit fraud offences was a community sentence, received by 45% of females and 58% of males convicted for this offence in 2019. For both young males and young females in the matched cohort, those who were sentenced to custody for 12 months or less had the lowest proportion attaining 5 or more GCSEs (or equivalents) graded A* to G. Figure 7.08 shows that across most disposal types, a greater proportion of young females attained this level than young males. This was considerably lower than the proportion of pupils achieving this attainment level for the overall pupil population (including both offenders and non-offenders) in 2013/14 (62% for young females and 52% for young males) and 2014/15 (62% for young females and 53% for young males). Defendants with sex not stated accounted for 10% of all court proceedings in 2019, companies and public bodies accounted for 1%. The age distribution of female and male defendants is broadly similar. Figure 7.02 Conviction ratios for indictable offences by sex and ethnic group, England and Wales, 2019. The Truth About Father Bias in Family Courts - Everyday Feminism National Statistics status means that official statistics meet the highest standards of trustworthiness, quality and public value. Figure 4.01: Number of arrests, by age group and sex, 2015/16 to 2019/20. In 2019, the proportion of children prosecuted for indictable offences that were females was 10%. In 2019, the same proportion (98%) of PNDs issued were for higher tier offences for both males and females. Child Support - The custody rate for this offence was 19% for females in 2019, compared with 26% for males. This publication compiles statistics from data sources across the Criminal Justice System (CJS), to provide a combined perspective on the typical experiences of females who come into contact with it. Annual figures are then produced by aggregating the four 3-monthly cohorts within each given year. Female representation within MoJ and CPS remained constant. The ACSL for male offenders in 2019 was 19.7 months compared to 11.3 months for female offenders. Refer to for further details on methodology. , Equivalently, a Key Stage 4 (KS4) academic year of 2013/14 and 2014/15. ONS data from 2012 shows that of the UK's 400,000 single parent families, only 13.5% of these (54,000) are single dads. Our policy in handling revisions is to be transparent with users about: How and when to expect revisions as part of our standard processes. (2020). If we become concerned about whether these statistics are still meeting the appropriate standards, we will discuss any concerns with the Authority promptly. Over the last five years, female representation has remained constant within the MoJ (67% in 2019). The most recent data in this report are from the Child Support Supplement (CSS) to the April 2018 Current Population Survey (CPS). The average child support received by custodial parents as of 2017 was $3,431 per year. In 2019[footnote 43], the majority of defendants for triable-either-way cases that were sent to the Crown Court were sent on the direction of the magistrate (85%). This report is also accompanied by an infographic summarising key findings. A fixed period exclusion can involve a part of the school day and it does not have to be for a continuous period. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Figure 5.05: Crime lower legal aid workload by sex and legal aid category, 2019. The main source of referral was police custody, accounting for 72% of males and 73% of females referred to liaison and diversion services. Report and data for March 2018 published. The majority (85%) of arrests continue to be accounted for by males in 2019/20. , Statistics on case management come from Criminal Court Statistics. More females experienced two types of abuse (18.3%) than males (13.5%), often including domestic stalking. Of the 34,300 defendants convicted for shoplifting, 9,600 (28%) were female. , In this chapter, children refers to those aged 10 to 15 unless stated otherwise. In accordance with Principle 2 of the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, the Ministry of Justice is required to publish transparent guidance on its policy for revisions. In 2019, 1.07 million offenders were sentenced, of which 27% were female, a proportion which has remained stable over the last 5 years. 20 divorce facts for 2020. For more detailed analysis on out of court disposals, see Chapter 4: Police Activity. We invited our Salt Lake City child custody attorney from the Emy A Cordano, Attorney At Law to . Statistics show that women are awarded child custody in nearly 90 percent of all cases. Highest prevalence in females was seen in those aged 20-24 (15.1%), with younger males experiencing highest prevalence in the 16-19 age group (6.5%). The Authority considers whether the statistics meet the highest standards of Code compliance, including the value they add to public decisions and debate. , Self-declared from HR records, as at 1 April 2019. A decrease in prosecutions was also seen for Class B drug offences (1,000 fewer), benefit fraud (1,500 fewer) and absconding from bail (1,200 fewer). A higher proportion of female children were remanded on bail (72%) than male children (38%). Female representation among court judges continued to steadily increase, similarly to the last five years (28% in 2016; 32% in 2020). Figure 5.01: The journey of males and females through the CJS, 2019. Figure 3.01: Percentage of adults who were victims of personal crime, by type, year ending March 2019. GillespieShields. Data has bee updated and published for May 2013. The proportion of young offenders with SEN without a statement across each disposal (except fine) was slightly higher for young female offenders, particularly for custodial sentences. Youth justice custody report - August 2014 published. As at June 2019, the female prison population was 3,800 and has decreased 3% over the last 5 years, compared to 78,900 for the male prison population (decreasing 4% over the same time period). National Statistics status can be removed at any point when the highest standards are not maintained and reinstated when standards are restored. In the Crown Court, 90% of crime higher legal aid work related to male clients. , Data is from CSEW 2019 annual supplementary tables. Figure 8.03: Indictable offences with the highest proportion of female convictions, England and Wales, 2019. Young people in custody - GOV.UK Ethnicity facts and figures Figure 5.02: Individuals dealt with formally by the CJS, by sex, 2015 to 2019. Compared to males, a higher proportion of females reported: self-declared mental health problems, physical disability, having drug and alcohol problems, money worries and housing worries. A greater proportion of female offenders are sentenced for offences that tend to receive shorter sentences. The judges and lay people analyzed two mock court cases, including a child. 62.9% of custodial fathers are non-Hispanic white men. Sex can be considered to refer to whether someone is male or female based on their physiology, with gender representing a social construct or sense of self that takes a wider range of forms. Contrastingly, the HMPPS HQ (and Area Services) has a majority female staff, increasing to 59% in 2020. Figure 9.01: Proportion of practitioners in organisations involved in the CJS of each sex, by organisation, most recent year available vs. five years prior. Youth custody report for November 2015 published. At 53%, oral fast delivery PSRs[footnote 53] were more common, especially for females (females 60%, males 52%), while standard PSRs[footnote 54], which are given for more serious offences, were much less common and were given proportionally more often to male offenders (4%) compared with female offenders (1%). , Other demographic data, such as age and ethnicity, are available in the Crime in England and Wales Annual Trend and Demographic Tables. In 2019, offenders with 15 or more previous cautions or convictions comprised 25% of all offenders, 89% of offenders were male, compared to the 11% who were female. In 2019/20, 640,000 arrests were carried out by police in England and Wales, which has remained stable over the last 3 years following a previously downward trend. Of all sexual offences, indecent exposure and unwanted touching had the highest prevalence rate. Data mentioned can be found on the page linked. There was also a higher proportion of females with mental health needs, the majority of which were depressive illness which affected 25% of females compared to 20% of males. Please send any comments to: Fact Sheet - We Are Fathers4Justice - The Official Campaign Organisation In 2019, the custody rate for these offences was 46% for females and 72% for males. Figure 1.01: Proportions of males and females throughout the CJS, 2019. Data are also provided on a trend basis dating back to 2000 to 2001 and 2005 to 2006 onwards for more detailed data. Little is known, however, about child custody evaluators beliefs, background, knowledge about domestic violence, and other factors that may shape their recommendations1 regarding custody and parent-child visitation arrangements. Figure 7.04: Age distribution of male and female defendants, England and Wales, 2019. In 2019, a smaller proportion of female offenders were sentenced for indictable offences at 10%, compared to 22% of male offenders. Over the last 5 years, there have been increases in female representation across almost all CJS organisations and in the proportion of senior staff. The conviction ratio for female children in 2019 was 67%, 4 percentage points lower than in 2015 and 3 percentage points lower than the male child conviction ratio (70%) in 2019. Most of this decrease is accounted for by a reduction in the number of females prosecuted for theft offences (10,500 fewer in 2019 than in 2015), particularly theft from shops, for which there were 8,200 fewer prosecutions. A higher proportion of female offenders were first time offenders, compared to males. Youth custody report for May 2016 published. As with adults, the most common offence group was violence against the person, for which 37% of female young people were being dealt with when referred to liaison and diversion services compared to 19% of male young people. Youth custody report for November 2014 published. Instances of self-harm per individual was over twice as high for females at 9.3, compared to 4.4 for males. Youth custody data for December 2016 published. The national divorce rate is 7.6 per 1,000 couples in 2022. Compared to male offenders, a larger proportion of females were given suspended sentences. In 2019, fines were the most common sentence given to both male and female offenders sentenced at all courts, but females typically had less severe sentencing outcomes. Well send you a link to a feedback form. In 2019, 43% of all PSRs were written, fast delivery PSRs[footnote 52] (females 39%, males 44%). For both sexes, the 30 to 39 age range represented the highest number of those prosecuted in 2019. Three-year time series refers to 2016/17 to 2018/19. Penalty Notices for Disorder (PND)[footnote 32] issued. Figure 1.01: Proportions of males and females throughout the CJS, 2019 Victimisation Males maintain higher risk of personal crime than females. Why Do Women Get Child Custody In 90 Percent Of All Cases? Isn'T It The largest increase in female representation was seen in court judges by 5 percentage points, to 32%. 30+ Divisive Child Custody Statistics | Legaljobs Single fathers: UK statistics | Office for National Statistics | The Intimate reflects the nature of the relationship between victim and perpetrator or the nature or the abuse itself. Overall, of the young offenders sentenced/cautioned, a smaller proportion of young males (80%) had a record of persistent absence compared to young females (85%). However, as in previous reports, in order to present as full a picture as possible we have also included some statistics that do not have this badging where National Statistics are not held on important or new topics. In 2019, 74% of individuals dealt with by the Criminal Justice System were male, and 26% were female. Comparisons with previous years are not possible due to changes in the order of questions asked influencing overall trends. The proportion of adults who experienced violent crime generally decreased with increasing age. In 2018/19, 12,300[footnote 30] young people engaged with liaison and diversion services, of which 19% were female. A higher proportion of female prisoners self-harmed in 2019. Mental health needs were higher for young females, the majority of which were for emotional and behavioural issues, affecting 31% of females and 18% of males. Other defendants such as companies and public bodies are also excluded. , The cautioning rate is the number of offenders who were given a caution divided by the number who were either cautioned or convicted (excluding summary motoring offences). Figure 5.08: Median number of days from offence to completion, by offence group and sex, 2019. Lone parents with dependent children represented 17% of all families with dependent children in 2019, and females accounted for 91% of these lone parents[footnote 117]. , Fast Delivery PSR (oral) The Criminal Justice Act 2003 removed the requirement for all PSRs to be written. This total includes exclusions from previous schools covered by the exclusion legislation.] 41% of females received a suspended sentence for this offence, compared with 20% of males. Reported in the Judicial Diversity Statistics 2020 publication, the quoted figures cover all court judges, i.e. A higher proportion of females also reported having a child under 18. This proportion was 5 percentage points lower than the proportion of adult females that were prosecuted for indictable offences, at 15%. The most disturbing though, 27% of fathers have no contact with their children. , Excluding companies and those of unknown sex, which accounted for 10% of the total number of defendants in 2019. (Office of National Statistics) In 2007, 27.6% of children lived with their mother in the UK, while just 2.4% lived only with their father. For females, this was followed by strangulation, asphyxiation (17%), and, for males, hitting, kicking, etc. (18%). The proportion of all young offenders in the matched cohort that achieved 5 or more GCSEs (or equivalents) graded A* to C, including English and Maths, was slightly higher for the young female group, at 12%, compared to 10% for young males. For both young males and young females that received a sentence/caution in the matched offender cohort, over half (57% of males and 61% of females) received Free School Meals (FSM).
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