He toyed with the interrogators down at the Dallas police station, all that weekend [after the assassination]. He wanted to be an American, to be accepted by the American society, and so wherever he was he wanted to be accepted. Selecciona el departamento que quieras buscar. He said no, that wasn't necessary, he could take care of it. Marina was upbeat on it. What do you do with his rifle? " I'm just a patsy!"Lee Harvey Oswald Oswald the Assassin? He was just out of the Marine Corps. Theyve got the original negative. Could you describe Oswald's relationships with women? What would have been the appeal to him about something like Marxism? He would awaken relatively early in his apartment, and he would walk about eight minutes to the radio factory where he worked in the experimental department, and he probably would have been there until late afternoon or early evening, ate dinner, he might have read a good bit -- he was fond of reading -- visited friends, gone to the conservatory or the opera, which was a short walk away from his apartment, and he probably would have retired early. Not surprisingly, as his novelty began to wear off, his interest in Minsk began to wear thin. I struggled through about 10 or 15 pages of it. He seemed to really get involved with it and hang onto it after the programs were over. and he just laughed. There's hard physical evidence there. So from Oswald's vantage point, the Soviet experiment, as he would have seen it, was this marvelous opportunity to transcend where he came from. I mean, they had asked the wrong man. What do you do with his rifle? For this 2003 publication of the interview, Mr. Blakey has added a notation to those questions touching on the CIA, and refers the reader to a long addendum at the end of the interview that reflects his opinion on the CIA in light of current revelations. This would have to be at the federal level. WDSU-TV interviews Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963 when he was living in New Orleans. But the Marine Corps has got set procedures and so forth to follow. Historian Priscilla Johnson McMillan was a reporter in Moscow in the 1950s and interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald shortly after his defection to the Soviet Union. And he was in the Marines as well. When I returned home from work that evening, I asked him about it, and he said, Well, everything went all right. This is a lawyer well known for being involved in left-wing causes. He says he got that at the theater, and they hadnt been mistreating him since then. He started becoming more and more independent and out on his own because Mother was working all the time, no brothers around, no father figure around, no adult that he was acquainted with that he could rely on to and talk to. On the right right is Sgt. Oswald was an avowed Marxist whose sojourn to the. Why did he turn to Marxism as a salve, as opposed to another form of religion? In his interview with FRONTLINE, Blakey calls the prosecution case against Lee Harvey Oswald "open and shut." As I learned later on, he's becoming very belligerent to Mother. They didnt know for sure if he was an agent or not. But Lee had that same personality type. That's the shocker. From Russia, he had written you, saying that he was worried about charges being brought against him when he came back. The Hartford Files That's the way I read him at the time. FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS. And it's not surprising, because in many ways Marina was the antithesis of Ella. The Most Risky Job Ever. Reporting on ISIS in Afghanistan. Can you sort of talk about that character trait? She had been overbearing or whatever. He had tapped into or been drawn to the emotions which that politics helped to foment, but did he have a deep understanding of how revolutions unfold, and the relationship between the proletariat and the means of production? If it was any other murder case other than the president of the United States, it would have been resolved right then. What do you say to people who are so convinced or are trying to believe in his innocence? During the conversation, Hoffa claimed that Ruby was assigned the task of coordinating police officers who were loyal to Ruby to murder Oswald while he was in their custody. Oswald never stood trial for murder, because, while being transferred after having been taken into custody, he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, a distraught Dallas nightclub owner. So then what happens, and how does he get to Dallas? He knew something they didn't know, and he would keep it to himself. Interview - Robert Oswald | Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? - PBS I think thats an understatement. That was our affectionate name for Mother. Definitely not. Aline Mosby was one of the first women assigned to cover the Kremlin, while stationed in Moscow in 1959 she interviewed a self-exiled Lee Harvey Oswald, who. She shared her viewpoints as to whether Oswald was guilty, whether he was a government agent and, whether he was pro or against Castro among others. This is mind over heart. Buscar Amazon.com.mx. Theres hard physical evidence there. The third thing was he wanted to look into his dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps, because he felt like that was unwarranted because, i.e., he was released with honorable conditions. I couldnt believe it. When he returned to the United States, he didnt want to be a Russian. As this realization deepens and becomes more omnipresent and more unavoidable, he feels a greater and greater need to get out, to escape. ", I became kind of intense at that point, looking into his eyes. On Nov. 22, [1963] it went way downhill. He says that the "hard physical evidence" from the assassination leads him to one conclusion: "The Warren Commission was correct." I know he wanted to travel. Youve talked about Lees character trying to do something, getting frustrated, doing something dramatic. An Interview with Lee Harvey Oswald's Mother Marguerite Oswald It sounds like Oswald's disillusionment stemmed as much from personal as political reasons. I dont know at what age Mother verbalized the effect that she felt he was a burden to her. This might have been the first leaflet that he ever got from anybody on the street. What do you do with his general opportunity? He indicated that, if reporters were asking about when hes coming back, to say nothing He wanted not to be bothered by the reporters. He wanted to get his manuscript published if anybody was interested. He wasn't political. But he had said he was going to give the Russians any information he had, and it seemed like he did. Oswald's Mother Was a Thoroughly Disagreeable Piece of Work It just floors me, it floored me then. The third thing was he wanted to look into his dishonorable discharge from the Marine Corps, because he felt like that was unwarranted because, i.e., he was released with honorable conditions. I'm sure for a certain minimal fee, you could ride the subways all day, and he would do it just to get around. Or he just walked the streets, ride the subways. You've got all the physical evidence that ties together. Lee Harvey Oswald - Wikipedia Thats where he started doing a lot of reading and everything. He had the presence of mind then to do that. He was relaxed, but at about the second day, he starts talking about where hes going. There was always a constant move. By Melissa De Witte Those alive when John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news the president had been shot. He started becoming more and more independent and out on his own because Mother was working all the time, no brothers around, no father figure around, no adult that he was acquainted with that he could rely on to and talk to. In your mind, are there questions about whether Lee shot President Kennedy? There is no question in my mind that Lee was responsible for the three shots fired, two of the shots hitting the president and killing him. They've got your rifle. Somehow, somebody never realized what the Sam Hill was going on. Tell me about that, and what his attitude is and the kinds of things you talked about. If somebody passed out a leaflet on the street that contained a political statement for Marxism or communism or what have you, and if Lee had not run across that before, I could envision him looking at it, keeping it and saying, Well, I wonder what this is all about. This might have been the first leaflet that he ever got from anybody on the street. He did not and would not talk to any of the interrogators about anything of substance. Did he evince any sort of sophisticated understanding of Marxism or communism, or of the Soviet Union in general, before he left for Russia? You've talked about Lee's character -- trying to do something, getting frustrated, doing something dramatic. Buscar Amazon.es. When you do have a human asset in heart . So youre saying, in a sense, he is the ultimate pragmatist? But he finally said, "Brother, you won't find anything there.". Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. He had fallen deeply for Ella, and he had proposed to her and she had said no, and he saw in Marina somebody who was meant to distract him and carry him forward. What Lee missed from his childhood in comparison to me was the whole family being together all the time. He really wasn't. The fact that he could put on a facade and pretend to be somebody he wasn't -- to me, it gets down to what happened later on. Then he joins the Marines, and then he has a lot of people barking at him, a lot of discipline. And so the Marines, and then later the Soviet Union, should be viewed as an attempt by Oswald to find structure, to find place. The continuity there, the lack of stability, I think, entered into that to a large degree. He's on a downhill run. Initially, when we started talking, I was concerned about his bruises on his face that he had received at his capture at the Texas theater. Explore FRONTLINEs collected and ongoing reporting on Russia's war on Ukraine. You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. I wrote him back that, to my knowledge, nothing he has done warrants any charges, because they did not let him accomplish anything over there, i.e., the U.S. Embassy did not accept his citizenship rejection. Jolly West visited Jack Ruby in jail and gave him an injection and soon after Ruby died from rapid cancer, Jack was also a patsy! This would have to be at the federal level. The other thing was he wanted to get settled with the job. Initially, when we started talking, I was concerned about his bruises on his face that he had received at his capture at the Texas theater. Mother would be putting him with a nanny, or a babysitter, or in an orphan home with us, just to get us out of her hair. But Lee had that same personality type. A Personal Remembrance Of Priscilla McMillan - WBUR [He wanted to] get established and start the American life, live the American dream. They've gone to the extreme measures to prove that he owned that rifle. And that process, that pattern was the same one that had occurred over and over in his life, and that was to attempt to settle in. We spent some time together. It wasn't uncommon, after all, for American communists to experience disillusionment with the Soviet Union. The Soviets executed him on May 17, 1963. When I returned home from work that evening, I asked him about it, and he said, "Well, everything went all right. He wants to get some experience and write about it. Can you summarize what the atmosphere was like there that Saturday, and what you made of it? He toyed with people like that. Once again, it's just a continual cycle, and it starts downhill. They've got your pistol. But he had said he was going to give the Russians any information he had, and it seemed like he did. One individual gave him a letter saying he could speak and write Russian at a particular level that he thought was real good. He just wanted to see what he could do about getting it done. I don't know. What do you mean? If Ukrainian intelligence did penetrate Putin's inner circle, Budanov would have never publicly blurted it out. And you don't know what the Sam Hill is going on? This is a lawyer well known for being involved in left-wing causes. So Oswald benefitted from all that. Youve got all the physical evidence that ties together. You cant set that aside just because he is saying, Im a patsy. Id love to do that, but you cannot. Later in the day, after driving into town with his two pet dogs and sending an emergency money order to one of his employees, Ruby walked to the nearby police headquarters, where he made his way to the basement via the Main Steet ramp. He told me about it, and I told him Id go with him. He was on his own in libraries. He wanted to get his manuscript published if anybody was interested. Apparently he'd been planning this for a long time. This type of thing would interest him, whether he went to an art museum or a library or a movie theater or just walked around and saw sights. Anytime they brought anything up that pertained to the assassination of the president and the shooting of the police officer, he knew nothing about it. This is a struggle that has gone on with me for almost 30 years now. Search the history of over 797 billion Lee Oswald poses with his rifle and two Communist newspapers in an infamous backyard photo unearthed in the investigation of JFK's murder. He was toying with them. You could tell by the tone of the language, not that we could understand the Russian language, but the tone and the facial expressions that they were having an argument. This type of thing would interest him, whether he went to an art museum or a library or a movie theater or just walked around and saw sights. The first thing he says is and he points to it Its tapped. I tell him it may or may not be. He's getting a better opportunity, he thinks, in Dallas, because it's a bigger job market over there than what Fort Worth was at the time. He seemed to really get involved with it. You look at the general opportunity he was present. He always enjoyed books, but then he started exploring other areas. I said, "We can look into it. Lees trying. I wrote him back that, to my knowledge, nothing he has done warrants any charges, because they did not let him accomplish anything over there, i.e., the U.S. Embassy did not accept his citizenship rejection. But the facts are there. He had a rifle, he had positioned himself, he prepared in advance to take his shot, after he took the shot he left the rifle there, and then walked away and found his own way home. On Nov. 22, [1963] it went way downhill. She has no control over him. When Lee Harvey Oswald Shot the President, His Mother Tried to Take Lee Harvey Oswald did not have any particular animus for John F. Kennedy. Hes already tried living with Mother for about a week to 10 days, and that went the way it usually goes. The result of the whole mismanagement was Lees death. After obtaining a hardship discharge from the Marines, Lee Harvey Oswald left the United States for the Soviet . Convinced that his brother was solely responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Oswald offers details in this interview about Lee's formative years and young adult life, and describes how his brother's love of television shows on intrigue and espionage such as "I Led Three Lives," became the "training ground for his imagination." While in police custody, Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby. Its there; put it to rest. The mind tells me one thing, and the heart tells me something else. Follow him on Twitter @davidastinwalsh. It was a game to him. Whereas Ella was rather innocent and timid and curious and prone to a kind of girlishness, Marina was anything but that. What do you do with his actions? She is wanting to go back to Russia. His mother had the same type of imagination. Lee Harvey Oswald Shooting: Interview with Eyewitnesses - Reporters, Police (2012) Way Back 26.4K subscribers 439 185K views 8 years ago Later in the day, after driving into town with his two. OK?\"Another motive was put forth by Frank Sheeran, allegedly a hitman for the Mafia, in a conversation he had with the then-former Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa. Talk about his mother's importance to him. Can you summarize what the atmosphere was like there that Saturday, and what you made of it? He's already tried living with Mother for about a week to 10 days, and that went the way it usually goes. They even asked me if I'd ever been an agent of the federal government or the CIA." Fingeroth also conducted interviews with Ruby family members and associates. . . She could really become somebody from New York real easy when shes in Texas, putting on the air[s], whatever you call it. He wants to do like Hemingway. He wants to get some experience and write about it. The first thing he says is -- and he points to it -- "It's tapped." This was 1959. Our mother was Lee's most important person in his life. What did he say, and what were you trying to get out of him? This was something all his own. What do you do with his actions? I didnt know but I think that was his posture all along, with the interrogators. Marina was upbeat on it. LEGEND: THE SECRET WORLD OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD : Epstein, Edward Jay: Amazon.es: Libros. I said, "If that never came about, if you didn't really betray the country and you only attempted to do it -- and they didn't let you do it anyway -- legally, then it seems to me you have a basis." The job's not doing that good. Kennedy the discomfiture of coming back to trial.\" At the time of the shooting Ruby said he was taking phenmetrazine, a central nervous system stimulant.Ruby's explanation for killing Oswald would be \"exposed as a fabricated legal ploy\", according to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. What attracted her to Oswald and why did she come back with him to the United States? Lee Harvey Oswald Shooting: Interview with Eyewitnesses - YouTube Later, after the Kennedy assassination, McMillan befriended Oswald's widow, Marina, and the two spent considerable time together. He was making fun of how inept they were, and he was making fun of them all the time. He could be somebody from New York that knew a lot of things, somebody that could get around be somebody else. He played an awful lot of hooky up there. You look at that last year his work, and his family, trying to go to Cuba, trying to go back to Russia. Consequently, people left it wide open. His comment was she is too much like Maw. That was our affectionate name for Mother. I'd love to do that, but you cannot. You've got all kinds of documented evidence. This interview was conducted in 1993 in conjunction with Frontline's first broadcast of "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? He found a spot, not very far, from where Walker was. What do you do with his pistol? He would talk about anything else. In the Soviet Union, he was a celebrity, at least for a little while. He moves into his own apartment and everything. But things were tight at that time. JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald: Insights from an interview - McCuistion TV Well, his concern was, was there anything that I was aware of that [there] were going to be charges placed against him from anybody? Those are the indications that say he took some thought, some planning over a long period of time. Our mother was Lees most important person in his life. About October 1962 things were not going along too good. He went the following day, had the meeting. He was, in fact, an American citizen all the time, and still had the rights of the American citizen. So if we don't understand something, we assume that there is some sort of plot or conspiracy -- that there is an order, and we're just not seeing it. The National Archives released almost 1,500 documents including CIA cables and memos on Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before the JFK assassination. He finally got a job that wasnt exactly what he really wanted, but it was a start. I think they're inseparable. But he became disgusted with it and started rebelling against it, because he wanted to go back to a more independent attitude. He never did answer. Only weeks earlier, he had visited Soviet. Interview: Robert Oswald | FRONTLINE One such example is a photograph of Oswald in his backyard holding a . (TV) Summary. He began to tire of Minsk as his celebrity began to wear off. That's not to suggest it was in any way any less than that, but it's just that we refuse to see it in its true light. ~Sean Corruption; Deep State; News; NWO Tyranny; Politics; EXCLUSIVE: Lee Harvey Oswald . Among his nine books is the bestseller, Case Closed (1993), which concludes that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A flat-screen TV plays interviews with Paine about Marina, Lee Harvey, Paine's grief about the assassination and the terrible aftermath. Or he just walked the streets, ride the subways. NARRATOR: Within two hours, the police had arrested 24-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald. Can you describe that for me? All these ups and downs hes having, he keeps trying to get up and make it at some level, but hes not succeeding. He was toying with them. Well, he went to do the things he always liked to do -- got to the movies if he had the money, go to the library and read if he didn't have it. We're talking seven, eight, nine, 10 years old. This edition focuses on accused John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, wondering whether he was a "lone gunman, conspirator, or patsy." . [To those who say,] He didnt own a rifle. We know he owned a rifle. But the facts are there. [37]Within hours of Ruby's arrest for shooting Oswald, a telegram was received at the Dallas city jail in support of Ruby, under the names of Hal and Pauline Collins. If we go and get right down to the bottom line, we have to say, really and truly, in all candor, [she did] a lousy job, a lousy job. We want to impose order and logic on everything. Very garrulous, very sexual, very clear about her objectives. Lee Harvey Oswald speaks to the press - YouTube She clearly saw in Oswald a ticket to ride, an opportunity to leave Russia. He just wanted to see what he could do about getting it done. Killing Oswald (2013) - IMDb When Lee came back to Fort Worth, what kind of spirits was he in, and what kind of hopes did he have for his new life here? His comment was she is "too much like Maw." I anticipated, and I said to the family, "He'll be back within a year." How can you explain one without the other? The planning that Lee did probably at least extended all the way back to the time he was in Japan because of the clothes he purchased at the time, If it didnt work for Russia, he was going to stay in Europe anyway. They wasn't going to convince him to say something. You look at the general opportunity -- he was present. His plans, as we well know now, were already made to go to Russia, rather than to Cuba. I said, If you told me everything youve done, it seems to me you have a case that you could perhaps get a reversal on that, that you did not do anything that they anticipated you done. I said, If that never came about, if you didnt really betray the country and you only attempted to do it and they didnt let you do it anyway legally, then it seems to me you have a basis. I said, We can look into it. David Austin Walsh is the editor of the History News Network. He was expecting the future was going to resolve itself, that history would end. This was a part of his character, that inner self, that we used to say, "Me, myself and I will do something.". The big question is why. With John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Nigel Barber, Raymond Burns. As I learned later on, hes becoming very belligerent to Mother. Finally, I guess, I couldn't stand it anymore. So, to me, that was his back-up plan if everything else failed. What was going on there? Stew Peter's interviews Lee Harvey Oswald's Girlfriend about the I had to ask him very serious questions. He wasn't present when they took a head count [at the Texas School Book Depository]. Lee Harvey Oswald lived just a few minutes away from Walker in Dallas in a rented duplex that he shared with his wife Marina and their baby girl.
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