Later, as the Sister interrogated the young Jedi about the rebel fleet and Ahsoka, the Brother returned with a captured Sabine. Work Search: Fortunately, he also assisted the Rebels in finding a new system for their base: Atollon. When Ezra tried to touch the Darksaber, Maul chastised the youth and told him that his Mandalorian friend could provide him with more information on the Darksaber's significance. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? Maul then demanded that the two Jedi hand him the Sith holocron and Kanan Jarrus' holocron in return for the safety of their friends. Ezra and his master contacted the Ghost only to learn that Maul had taken Hera, Chopper, Zeb, and Sabine captive. However, while exploring the brig, Ezra and Chopper found Vizago, who revealed the truth about Hondo's takeover, locked inside one of the cells and freed him before confronting the Weequay on the bridge. Once aboard, the two encountered a wounded crew member who informed them that a red blade was after him and that the Ghost was in danger. Hot ; New . However, when Imperial forces attacked, Ezra took over Gold Two's Y-Wing after she was knocked unconscious, and the Mistress' crew-including Mon Mothma-transferred aboard the Ghost. The rebels would also destroy the facility by using detonators to ignite the volatile Clouzon-36 gas around the refinery in order to deny it to the Empire. When Ezra saw the fractured planet of Concord Dawn for the first time, he asked Rau what happened to the planet. Ezra's team then escaped into the wilderness on Ryder's two landspeeders. nigun music free downloads; teen girl in sexy lingerie; Related articles; najed young girl; mxq r 4k rockchip firmware rk3228a sv6051p; girls from heaven porn. --- Ezra and the others fled but he was quickly captured by Saxon and his men. Aware of a likely set-up by Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Lieutenant Herdringer, Bossk was forced to leave Takkaro and follow Ezra, and the two escaped from the Imperials on a speeder bike. However, the Sato's Hammer was damaged and stranded in space. When Kanan and Rex awoke, Ezra attempted to claim that they were knocked out in a massive fire fight, but Chopper played a holographic recording of what really happened. Returning to the conveyor platform, Ezra commanded his comrades to escape with the Y-Wings while the young Jedi tried to reach the Phantom. Returning to the Ghost, the crew had only a day to search for their companion before the Empire showed up searching for Agent Kallus, who nonetheless must've been in the same escape pod fighting him when it crashed. Calvin Davis, a new member, comes to the rebellion and the Ghost Crew. Shortly later, Sato's CR90 corvette was pulled out of hyperspace by an Imperial Interdictor, a prototype warship equipped with four gravity well projectors. He noted that she seemed to be a loner because she usually handled her missions alone, stayed in her room a lot and ate alone. In snatching her up at just the right moment, he saved her life. Ezra used the Force to snatch his pistol that Rau took out of his hand. Maul revealed that he had come to Atollon to retrieve the remaining message of his vision from Ezra's mind. The boy immediately participated in the ritual designed by Chava to guide her and Gron to their world but noticed Zeb remaining distant as if he did not want any part of it. . After Sabine had managed to identify the defecting cadets Wedge Antilles, Derek Klivian, and Rake Gahree, Sabine contacted Ezra to rendezvous with them in space. Eventually, they discovered that Sensor Beacons drove off the Krykna, and set up a fence of them around the perimeter of Chopper Base to keep them away. Kanan then hurried his Padawan, who was about to make a snide remark about his master when he suddenly spotted one of the statues moving. There are some things in this world that just can't be explained, like falling through a mirror, for example. Hera had made the decision to abandon Lothal. Ezra embraces the Dark Side on Malachor to save her injured Jedi master. After failing to escape the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister at the abandoned Republic medical station, Ezra Bridger and his friends are captured by the Inquisitors. Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire. During the journey, Maul tried to sow discord between Ezra and Kanan by telling the boy that he understood his potential. Star Wars Rebel: A Broken Jedi (Discontinued) 8 parts Ongoing Ezra Shan and Anakin Skywalker the two escaped prison. This story is about a twin brother with opposite personalities, who got separated from each other at the age of four. Ezra was soon contacted via comlink by Zeb, who revealed that he and Azmorigan had been locked in the ship's brig by a reactivated Imperial Sentry Droid. "Hey" "Hey, yourself," the Twi'lek come to stand next to the Jedi. Ezra passed his Force-related feelings as strange skills. He's told she may not get her memory back and there's no cure. Ahsoka agrees about Anakin; she says he rarely lost a battle and was a kind Jedi who cared about his friends and always looked out for them. After eleven hours greeting any embarking passenger they were expecting the phrase from, Ezra discovered that the courier was a GNK power droid named EG-86, who had come with the cargo. Will Ezra go to the dark side? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. After receiving a transmission from Ryder about an improved TIE Defender, the Ghost crew managed to infiltrate the planets defenses with help from Vizago. Ezra later accompanied Kanan, Zeb, Chopper, and Rex on a mission to salvage Proton Bombs from a wrecked Separatist Supply Ship on Agamar. Ezra was also very charismatic, which helped him get by during his early years. Star Wars is a space opera. It wasnt until the end of the rebellion nearly five years later that Ahsoka and Sabine discovered that Ezra survived, and departed to find the missing Jedi. After returning to the fleet, Ezra attended a briefing with the other rebels, Iron Squadron, Rex, and the holographic form of Commander Sato. Our trust our faith our friendships. However, the Grand Admiral stunned him first. Unfortunately, Rukh followed them in and sabotaged their efforts, at the same time that Thrawn returned and demanded Ezra's surrender. This encouragement helped the Lasat to overcome his guilt and participate in the ritual, where it was revealed that he was the child. And in time, a new hope will emerge. Megan Crouse March 3, 2018 Sometime after building his lightsaber, Ezra had a holster with the right pouch to carry his equipment, and the left holster carrying his lightsaber. Will they find out what is going on? When Saxon and one of his men opened fire, Ezra lost his grip and was forced to ride on Chopper. Before Vader could finish Ezra off, he was joined by Ahsoka. He then spoke of his and Sabine's engagement with Gar Saxon on Concord Dawn, only to be held at gunpoint along with Kanan as Ursa revealed her intention to hand the two Jedi over to the Imperial Viceroy. However, Thrawn warned the pilots that Ezra's team had hijacked the AT-DP walker. Ezra praised the Senator for her courage, and willingly agreed to help escort her to Dantooine for a meeting with various Rebel leaders. When Sabine told him about her estranged relationship with her family who had supported the Empire, Ezra counseled her that at least she had a family to return to, unlike himself. However, the two rebels managed to hold on to their rope and were pulled aboard the Ghost by Kanan. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. When Sabine remarked that the ship was in a state of disarray, Ezra cautioned her to be careful not to upset the crew. Ezra Bridger has a special secret. Upon awaking, the Ghost crew found themselves in unknown space but sighted Lirasan in the horizon and Zeb left on the Phantom to drop Gron and Chava there. The ships resident droid Chopper served as another point of contention for Bridger, with the rogue robot frequently electrocuting the teen and generally living his best nuisance life. With the Inquisitor and Agent Kallus there, the crew plans a rescue mission. Safely in hyperspace, the Ghost crew learned from Chava that she did not know the location of Lirasan as it was uncharted and from an ancient Lasat legend. The Ghost crew was soon sent to try and tie into the relay for their own purposes, though Ezra began to wonder if Saw Gerrera's more aggressive methods would be more effective. Ezra rejoined his rebel companions after bidding the pirate farewell. Ezra spent several weeks building his own lightsaber using spare parts donated from the Ghost crew. Later that morning, Hera and Kanan received word from Commander Sato that there had been a breakout at the Imperial prison on Lothal and obtained a list of the prisoners at the facility. Will they ask Kanan and Ezra are on Coruscant looking for a cure for a mysterious illness that is afflicting the small towns of Lothal. Ezra closed his eyes and the vision ended. Back at his hideout, Ryder explained that Ezra's parents had heard the broadcast Ezra sent out with the Ghost crew's help a while back and were inspired by it to stage a prison breakout. Saw soon arrived and outflanked the battle droids. How did he survive mauls attack? Convinced by Bossk, he accompanied the Trandoshan to Monad Outpost during Gladiator Night, where they faced Jenkes. Prior to a mission, Ezra and Kanan have a discussion, which ends up with Kanan blaming Ezra for everything. This allowed Ezra and Kanan to destroy the Droideka with their lightsabers. Ezra was knocked unconscious due to the power of the holocrons. Despite Kanan's orders, Sabine snuck along, probably making Ezra worried. After stealing an Imperial Freighter, Ezra and the rebels journeyed to Mustafar and deployed the TIE Fighter he and Zeb stole a while back to dock them aboard Tarkin's Star Destroyer, the Sovereign, and disable it with an electromagnetic pulse so they could search for Kanan. how will this change the fate the force had plans for? If he is alive, he has no idea how, but then he remembers something. Kanan also counselled his apprentice not to give in to fear and despair. A three-way battle broke out and the rebels managed to board a shuttle with EG-86 in tow. As Imperial reinforcements moved in, Hera tried to reason with her father, but Cham remained unconvinced until his daughter she reminded him how he was an inspiration to herself and the people of Ryloth, but she was fighting for everyone in the galaxy besides her own people. Remembering they aren't alone, Ezra thinks about pulling back, but he honestly doesn't care "good to see you're in good health. Eventually, he was able to open the Sith Holocron found on that planet, something that was thought to be possible only for one who could tap into the Dark Side through Sith teachings. When Ezra said that he did not know where Rau was, Saxon tried to shoot Chopper. The Bendu counseled the two Jedi that the convergence of the holocrons would be dangerous. Realizing Ezra was the Bridger's son, he told the Jedi-in-training that his parents were brave but foolish, and they should have joined the Empire to survive just like he did if they valued their lives. When he and Kanan both engaged The Inquisitor, Ezra's limited skills and experience made him more of a distraction to both his master and their enemy. Despite repairing the hyperdrive, Sabine and Chopper's efforts came to naught when Mart redirected the ship's power to its laser cannons and deflector shields. (Will be continued). Before he could execute Zeb, Ezra managed to reason with Kalani and convince him that the Clones and Separatists shared a common enemy in the form of the Empire; the successor to the Republic. To the joy of viewers everywhere, however, Ezra was created with intent for growth and grow the Jedi did. and ordered to deliver him to the Havoc Station. Later that night, Ezra chatted with Fenn by a campfire. He knows he can't outlast a black hole, but he wants this moment to last as long as he can make it. He had trouble learning to deflect blaster shots and his lack of experience made him a poor swordsman. Kanan also instructed Ahsoka to help Ezra. The two look at Anakin as the Holocron closes and returns to the bench. This story takes place at the ending of Breaking Ranks. However, Saxon realized that he was a Jedi. While Phoenix Home evacuated the stolen Y-Wings, Hera and Kanan traveled on the Ghost into the depths of Yarma's atmosphere. Noticing a Stormtrooper chasing a young Wookiee, Ezra went out to rescue him. After Sabine went to talk with her mother in private, Ezra attempted to make conversation with Tristan but ended up looking foolish, leading Kanan to encourage him to leave the talking to the more experienced Jedi. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! With the help of Kanan's Force powers, Ezra managed to Force jump onto the other side. A new d. "Ezra", the two stop when they hear Sabine murmur Ezra's name, and they look at her as she begins tossing in her sleep. Ultimately, Ezra confronted him, and Seevor inadvertently fell to his death. Sabine responded that she was once a real cadet while Hera added that Ezra was too well known to the Empire. Despite driving off the Inquisitors, Kanan and Ahsoka were distrustful of Maul. This is going to be an extension of my other Pedro Pascal characters one shots. During the journey, the rebels traveled on the Phantom II. Rex agreed and ordered Ezra to carry out the task while he and Kanan provided covering fire. Though it did not feature a blaster built into the hilt, he used a DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol with his Lightsaber in combat. Marcus Pike The two Jedi joined Clan Wren-including Tristan-in fighting against the Super Commandos, with Ezra saving Sabine from one of them and then tossing her his lightsaber so she could engage Saxon, who had received the Darksaber from Ursa prior to his treacherous announcement. (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. Ezra would also use these skills to steal from others. While Maul dealt with Kanan, Ezra was escorted by two repurposed Tour Guide Droids to the command center. Ezra also had a great deal of respect for the lives of other sentient beings. The boy had the potential to make a fine Inquisitor. In frustration, Ezra gave up only for Rex to expose Chopper and Sabine's prank. After the events of empire day, kanan and Ezra head to an asteroid and the inquisitor shows up who will survive who will fall to the dark. I frowned. At dawn, Slavin took Ezra and Hera outside the Syndulla House to facilitate the exchange. At Kanan's urging, Ezra stayed calmed as he used the Force to levitate the object towards them. After Saw left the room, Kanan told Ezra that not all of their allies shared the same values and motives for fighting against the Empire. As they ventured deeper, Ezra took the opportunity to apologize for the recent troubles but Kanan assured his apprentice that it was not his fault. Under Kanan's orders, Sabine activated the detonators, but Ezra stopped her from throwing at the gas as they made their way across the bridge and used the Force to throw down a Rodian gunner. Upon entering the Mykapo System, Ezra and his fellow rebels came to the aid of a YT-2400 Light Freighter that was under attack from TIE Fighters. Suddenly, the two were surrounded by Krykna Spiders. The mission proved problematic, with the captain Seevor proving an elusive and difficult prisoner. While heading back to the ship, Ezra asked Chava about where they were headed, and she told him they were on a journey to their new world, Lirasan, which was described in the prophecy as a safe system to begin a new life. Sabine likes Ezra but only as a good friend or brother. Ezra took the bait and went despite Hera's orders, and after being lured out into the deserts of Tatooine with the stowaway Chopper was found by Obi-Wan. I wonder why. A bitter voice in Ezras head replied. Ezra is in love with Sabine but Sabine doesn't like how Ezra changed after she was with her family. As they fled into a narrower part of the canyon, Sabine used grenades to block Saxon and his men. The two Jedi later learned that Zeb and Chopper had discovered the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister's TIE Fighters and rescued another infant from Ahsoka's coordinates named Alora. During the mission to Malachor, Ezra encountered the former Sith apprentice, Maul, who taught him the basic philosophy of the Sith and encouraged Ezra to use his anger to strengthen him. When Ezra related his vision to Kanan, his mentor told him that the Jedi believed that life did not end with death but merely changed form. While underground, Ezra and his comrades discovered sealed tunnels and the helmets of Saw's Partisans. He found a possessed Kanan sitting above the altar. Stepping into the round room, Ezra looks around, paying more attention to the view outside of the room, "so, what do you want to know. He flirted with Sabine and pranked Zeb, but with his jokey attitude he hid from the others what he really felt about his parents, because he didn't trust people easily. In addition, Ezra was a headstrong young man who was willing to circumvent orders. Youre a different one, odd and strange. Ezra and Kanan stormed the com station with their lightsabers and blasters and managed to stun the station crew. He began learning Telekinesis under Kanan and first used the Force Push against Kallus to save Zeb. Later, Ezra caught sight of the Hound's Tooth and met the bounty hunter Bossk, who hired him as a guide to Ake's Tavern. Ezra insisted on Maul going ahead and the potion caused their eyes to turn green and shoot beams of light. As a compromise, Hera suggested sending a recon part to scout the station. After the ritual ended, the two were accosted by several fallen Nightsister spirits who demanded that they pay their price in flesh and blood. Later, Ezra accompanied Hera, Kanan, Sabine, Wedge, Hobbie, and other members of the Phoenix Squadron on a training exercise. While Rex and Gregor are friendly, Wolffe remains hostile to the rebels. The Purrgil themselves began to calm down and started to fly along with theGhost, and Ezra spotted one of them coming up alongside, noticing that it was looking at him. When he awoke, he found himself unable to breathe and tried to reach for his helmet, but it toppled into the abyss below. Ezra was later woken up by Chopper, who slapped him out of unconsciousness. During the hyperspace journey, Ezra asked Kanan why Rex was worried about them going to Malachor. Fortunately, during his lesson to deflect stun shots from Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper, he lost consciousness to a vision of him, Kanan and their fellow rebels saving Trayvis from Imperials, and Trayvis commenting Ezra that his parents were very brave. Ezra and Fenn watched as Sabine parried with the Darksaber against Kanan in a training exercise. With the assistance of fellow cadet Zare Leonis, he succeeded in stealing the decoder from Agent Kallus' office. However, Sabine did not respond since she was preoccupied with the mission, eventually noticing a strange but familiar symbol painted on the spaceport's wall. left kudos on this work! The ghost crew go on a supply run. The pair came upon Maul's Nighbrother, which they used to return to Atollon where-as Master Kenobi had helped Ezra see-his family awaited him. Following a near conflict sparked by Kanan's distrust of Clone troopers, they are greeted by Rex, who promptly breaks up the fight. After Zeb and Kanan lost Chopper in a game of Sabacc to the "galactic entrepreneur" Lando Calrissian, they reluctantly struck a deal to help him smuggle goods to Lothal. Well never be separated, again, floating through nature with an inner peace. The problem is Maul might actually be right. After a near getaway fromTIE Fightersand a Star Destroyerduring a failed salvage mission, Ezra and his new fellow rebelsfound themselves low on food, explosives, and fuel, and unless they find somethey will be out of business. At that point, Sabine returned to the camp. Ezra, along with Hera and Sabine, later participated in a mission provided byFulcrum, Hera's secret contact and a key leader of the underground Rebel network. Do you know the identity of the Sith Lord Sidious? Ezra and Chopper pursued the Geonosian through the labyrinth but were unable to keep up with him. Before they could proceed with the mission, Ezra began seeing visions of Maul in the Chopper Base command center. They Get Married And Start Their Own Clan. "Tough luck. The two joined forced to rescue Ezra's master, and Ahsoka immediately recognized his potential, and grew fond of the young Jedi . Attempting to rescue him, the Ghost crew split into teams, with Ezra and Kanan working apart from the others due to their imminent departure for Malachor. He then used his energy slingshot to electrocute the cockpit, rendering Rudor unconscious. When Ezra get's the chance to escape his jailers, the Inquisitors, he tries not to look back and in doing so he meets a Jedi. Unbeknownst to him, Ezra was very Force-sensitive. However, Kanan intervened and managed to outsmart Sabine. ", Ezra smiles at this question; he knew they would ask this. Ezra also demonstrated his ability to work with Kanan to Force-push each other for advantages in fighting. Much to Ezra and Kanan's surprise, Sabine elected to remain with her people to help them face the chaos that Saxon's death would bring, and she and Rau remained behind after she bid Kanan and Ezra farewell, though she suggested that her people might join the Rebellion once they found a way to rescue her imprisoned father. Ezra claimed that things were going well but Hera quickly deduced he had disobeyed his orders. Suspecting they must've come from the refinery, the Ghost crew decided track where they originated from so the could find their way there. Ahsoka departed for the portal she had come through in order to return to her proper place in time, while Ezra exited the temple. In the meantime, Ezra and his companions took the opportunity to fly aboard the Phantom, then rescued Ahsoka from an Imperial patrol and fled into hyperspace. The rebels soon fled down a turbolift, and after exiting, Ezra and Sabine shot down several Stormtroopers. Ezra and his comrades were then surrounded by Saxon and his Super Commandos. Ezra recognized the need to defeat him, but Kanan informed him that since Vader was a Sith, he was too strong both in the Force and in physical strength and the only reason they were still alive was because he had been playing with them during the entire fight. Despite Kallus' warnings not to underestimate the teenage Jedi, Admiral Titus was skeptical that Ezra could pose a threat to his ship and crew. However, Ezra's troubled past and Kanan's training could not prepare him for when he briefly tapped into the Dark side, which encouraged Kanan to test Ezra by sending him into the Lothal Jedi Temple. There, they visit Ezra's old home only to discover that the Empire had razed it to the ground. The Mon Calamari in question was said to have just recently developed the B-Wing Starfighter, which could break the blockade in one fell swoop. Usually an unexpected one, He must have snapped. The two quickly recognized each other from their earlier encounter aboard the Imperial Interdictor. In the course of an hour, Ezra took the Trandoshan to his tower and tended to his wounds, before the bounty hunter woke up, "disguised" himself as a blind Trandoshan and almost immediately prompted the boy into leading him to a posting agency at the spaceport. As he puts his bike near the side of his tower, he takes the elevator up and walks into his 'room'. Later, an Imperial probe droid damaged the Phantom before Rex destroyed it. Upon reaching the temple, the two Force-wielders used their Force powers to force its heavy stone doors open. The Presence told him that his anger gave him strength, and Ezra exclaimed that he wanted to become stronger and more powerful so that nobody could hurt his friends again. The Grand Inquisitor and a squadron of Stormtroopers arrived at the base. Ezra engaged the Sister in a duel but proved no match for the Mirialan. Puzzled by his friend's reluctance, Ezra left the ritual preparations and spoke to him as the Lasat explained his guilt for failing to protect his people from the Empire. Obviously he hadn't expected that. As the days pass Ezra Bridger is getting more and more closer to the Dark side. CA: Winter Soldier AU. Ezra and the other rebels then attended a briefing where Cham recounted the recent events on Ryloth; a new Imperial commander Grand Admiral Thrawn had occupied Tann Province and Syndulla's House. Ezra is a S Ezra Bridger became the apprentice of Maul after The Ghost crew left him on Lothal for his own good. They then managed to escape Captain Vult Skerris's TIE Interceptor. Ezra Bridger (left) and Grand Admiral Thrawn (right) in 'Star Wars Rebels'. While in space, the rebels learned from Ahsoka that a similar attempt had been made to abduct children during the Clone Wars. But as they made their way to regroup with the others, they ran into the Grand Inquisitor. His lessons with those outside of the Jedi order allowed him to develop a deeper understanding of the force as a whole, and let him access techniques forbidden by the Jedi without losing himself to the Dark Side. Once there, Bossk sent Ezra to lure his prey, Gronson "Shifty" Takkaro, out; soon enough, however, a confrontation between Bossk and the assassins Angrigo and the Kratchell twins ensued, in which Ezra stunned Takkaro, and Bossk killed the assassins, only for Imperial authorities to surround them. There, Thrawn examined the Kalikori and determined that Hera was Cham's daughter and a rebel operative. As the Ghost launched away with everyone except Zeb aboard, it came under attack byTIE fightersandWalkers. He was never going home. Ezra was too distracted by the Purrgil to concentrate on the briefing and attempted to tell Hera that the Purrgil were interested in the gas, but the captain told him to focus on his mission. However, Ezra defended Maul and argued they could trust him because he believed Maul's claim that he wanted to use the holocron's knowledge to destroy the Sith. As he had begun mastering the Jedi Mind Trick, he apparently gained some ability in telepathy, as he was able to reach out through the Force to Tseebo, expressing his forgiveness, which Tseebo was able to both hear and feel. After the loss of Ahsoka and the blinding of his master, Ezra was determined to never allow his friends to be harmed again. Having located what appeared to be a suitable system for their base, the Ghost crew raided an Imperial depot in order to secure fuel for their carrier. As Sabine flew the Phantom, Ezra, Kanan and Zeb commandeered one of the AT-ATs and used it to damage Kallus' walker, which trapped the clones' walker. Their destination turned out to be the former Mandalorian asteroid colony, Vizsla Keep 09. Ezra's conversation with him was interrupted by the arrival of the Inquisitors, who used their powers to force the temple open. The rebels soon discovered that another Mandalorian faction had attacked the Protectors and slaughtered them. Using the Force, Ezra leaped towards Sabine and clung on to her. The TIES chased the ship around the construction module and were shot down one at a time. How will our young Jedi deal with this new obstacle in his life, while trying to save a galaxy from an empire? Later that night, Ezra apologized to Kanan for using the Sith holocron. ", "Let's start with the big one. Frankie Morales Kanan, however, who remembered Rau as a fighter instructor pilot for the Republic who he and his master fought alongside in the third Battle of Mygeeto during the Clone Wars, suggested that they infiltrate the base and destroy the Fang fighters before approaching with the fleet. They managed to remove a magno-mine that Konstantine had attached to the Sato's Hammer.