Yeast and bacteria prefer warmer temperatures. This allows the dough to absorb the water into the flour and start to form gluten strands that hold the bread together. We want to mix the dough until it develops adequate gluten network which is indicated by a dough that is stretchable without tearing but at the same time offers a degree of resistance when pulled apart. Another tactic is chilling the dough for a while. If you are doing decorative scoring, it's still advisable to have one "utility" score and then your more shallow, decorative scoring. Your dough might be too sticky because you added too much water when making the initial mix, too. Cheaters No Knead Dutch Oven Sourdough Bread. So that should work out to (282+45)/(390+45)=75%. If you wet or oil the work surface, the dough will just glide over the work surface and not able to be pulled taut during shaping. Pate Fermentee VS Poolish VS Biga VS Sourdough Starter. If your kitchen is too warm, the dough can become a sloppy, wet mess. Perhaps your sourdough is too sticky when you start working with it. All original site content copyright 2023 The Fresh Loaf unless stated otherwise. I ran your numbers, and unless my math is wrong, your are above 90% hydration, which is extremely high. No matter how long you leave it to ferment, the yeast and bacteria won't actually grow or change. If you're using a young sourdough starter, there's always a chance that it's just not quite ready to bake with and will cause your dough to be too wet and sticky. The difference between wet dough being successful and wet dough being a big sloppy mess is dough strength. If your dough is dry, it is because you added too much flour. Place in bannetons. Kneading manually will most likely just make a sticky mess thats stuck all over your fingers and difficult to clean up, but with the stretch and fold, youre touching the dough very little and you wont have to worry about it sticking too much. One solution is to use a wet dough cutter or scraper. Many people use food thermometer to measure the internal temperature of their bread. Both of you mentioned a point in common on the hydration where I made a huge mistake on as I did not account for the hydration of the starter added. How Do You Fix Gooey Bread? There are generally two causes of this (it can be a combination of both): SOLUTIONS - Depending on which of the above has caused your gumminess, you can fix by: PROBLEM - Your bread dough spreads and loses shape when you flip it out of the banneton to bake. The only solution for this is to toss your dough and put your time into strengthening and maturing your sourdough starter. I bake at 525F, sometimes 550. We preheated the oven (which was constrained at 480F) for an hour, and baked Charlie for 40 mins (tried 25 mins for Betty) in the cast iron, and 20 mins on the rack. SOLUTIONS - These are the things you can do to try to avoid your dough splitting naturally: PROBLEM - your sourdough bread has an uneven crumb. Rest for 30 minutes @76F. If all has gone well, the dough will be in a tight ball and ready for proofing. This is mainly because sourdough is higher hydration, meaning it contains more water. the yeast has not fermented for long enough and still has too much energy to burn when it hits the oven, the yeast lets off too much gas all at once when it hits the oven. Damaged starch particles also varies from one milling facility to another. Make sure that you're not using too much flour when shaping your dough. The water absorbed from the damaged starches is then gradually released and the dough that was initially dry and strong becomes wet, sticky and weak over time. We should fold once every hour of bulk fermentation. For example a gummy crumb can be caused by a starter that's too young and or under fermented dough. Stretch dough into rough 10"x17" rectangle, laminate and move to clean vessel for bulk. Mix until dough comes away from the sides of the bowl . One of the most obvious causes of wet dough is using too much water in the dough. sourdough before baking. Turn out on to a surface and knead for 10 minutes or until the 'windowpane effect' is . Only add more flour if it remains excessively moist or sticky after youve kneaded it in. It affects pretty much every part of the process. Step 1 - My starter is at 125% hydration. If the dough is too sticky at this point, add a little flour and knead it in. Mix together the flour, sourdough starter and 250ml/9fl oz water in a bowl. If you cant shape it, the sourdough is too sticky. Without salt, the dough becomes sticky and slack in nature, making it difficult to work with. Sourdough does not stop cooking when you take it out of the oven. Evenly roll out your small 2- to 4-ounce balls into small circles a scant quarter inch thick. Would really appreciate some pointers, thank you in advance!! The speed of your actions when handling your sourdough makes all the difference. If the dough is too sticky at this point, add a little flour and knead it in. Having a strong gluten network means that the carbon dioxide produced by the yeast will be evenly distributed. Its like an extension to your hand and can be used to improve your technique with the dough. Hi, I'm Kate! The more gluten it contains, the better it holds together. But what if your dough is really wet and sticky and you just can't do anything with it? If you're having trouble understanding the timing of bulk fermentation, I've written an easy to follow guide. The reason most recipes are so high in hydration is that more water in the dough makes it easier to have a lighter, more open crumb, and a better crust, so its favored by most bakers. A new bake this morning. Rice flour to stop it sticking to the counter. I would like to share with you what I have learnt from the many hours spent researching and testing these baking techniques myself. One reason why people add too much flour and mix it in is to try to get the dough more manageable. I tried your suggestions, kinda - 2 large (880g) loaves baked covered at 465F for 25 minutes, then uncovered at 425 for 25 minutes. This site is powered by Drupal. Beginner bakers are best to start off with low to medium hydration dough before moving onto high hydration. This allows the gluten to start to develop on its own before any kneading. So you __may__ need a longer bake, which will mean a lower temp. Youre aiming for maximum gluten development for the dough to become easier to manage. Another tactic is adding flour to the work surface before you start working with the dough. We can prevent wet sourdough from sticking by oiling our work surfaces, using wet hands to handle the dough and dusting the proofing containers. Makes 1 x 800-g/1-lbs. Rest 50 minutes. Over-proofed Sourdough Bread When sourdough bread is given too long of a rise time it will result in bread that is over-proofed. If youre using a lot of wholewheat, youre going to be left with a very sticky dough, especially if its paired with high hydration. Insufficient gluten development is what makes the dough so sticky, so if youre using a low protein flour (protein in flour creates gluten), it wont be able to create as much gluten in the dough and it will, therefore, be stickier. 150g bread flour, 150g all-purpose, 90g whole wheat flour with 350g water (slightly warmer than room temperature by the touch), with 90g of starter and 9g of salt. Instead, stretch and fold it. Combine the starter, water, rye flour and 1 cup of the bread flour. Youll find that most recipes are making sourdough with fairly high hydration, which means that the sourdough is naturally stickier, but this doesnt mean that all sourdough has to be sticky. It can be a mixture of rye and wheat or just rye. They give you what is called slack dough.If the dough is very slack and it isnt because you added too much water, then autolyze. When it comes to building the gluten, everyone has a different preference in how to do it. Sticky and unmanagable sourdough. Sourdough differs from most bread in that it contains no baker's yeast, relying instead on a fermented "starter" of water and flour to provide lift. If your dough is under fermented it will lose shape quickly and spread when it's tipped out of the banneton. Without these it will be sloppy and hard to handle. The bassinage technique is used to help build the dough up to the desired high level of hydration in stages. While the dough is proofing, preheat your oven to 230 C (450 F) and place your Dutch oven inside to preheat as well. The bread is heavy, hasn't puffed up in the oven and has a moist, dense texture inside. First, in a large mixing bowl, whisk the starter, water, orange zest and juice, and maple syrup or honey. Cover and bake for 30 minutes. I have done wetter doughs at similar times/temps without the gumminess but I take your point - your lower/slower suggestion makes sense to me and I may well try that on my next go-round. Add a little flour and knead it a few times to make it more manageable. When the lame scores the dough, the air escapes causing the dough to collapse. The yeast has too much energy when it hits the oven and this excess energy causes a "rush" when your dough hits the oven. Content posted by community members is their own. On the other hand, rye sourdough is a bread that starts with sourdough starter instead of yeast but has at least some rye flour. The trick is to pinpoint which one is affecting your dough so you can fix it or change your formula for next time. I have, however, always let my bread cool for at least 4 hours, until its at or very near room- temperature, and it continues to be sticky - even when left in the oven to steam out for a little while after baking is completed. Our problem was with the tacky, rubbery, sticky insides of the baked bread (I could press a piece of the inside between my fingers and it would stick on without falling) no matter how long we bake it for (Charlie was baked for 40 mins in the cast iron and 20 mins on a rack, and the picture attached shows the insides). Mix well. Alternatively, you could add a little oil to the work surface and your hands. Bake with Jack 199K subscribers Overfermentation Video Number 116: Send your bread making problems to your name, your location, a. BAKE YOUR SOURDOUGH Preheat your oven to 450F (230C) half an hour before the end of proving. When using a proofing basket, line it with a clean cloth and dust its surface with flour by using a sieve to ensure an even coating. This is when you let the dough rest after it is mixed but before you start to knead it. Your colon naturally contains healthy probiotic bacteria called Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. Steps: Autolyse for an hour before adding the starter (rest 30m) and salt (rest 15m) all by hand using the folding and pinching method. This method works better with slack dough anyway. As Ive already mentioned, gluten is essential to prevent too much sticking. Generally, flat loaves will still taste ok, they just lack that beautiful airiness we want to see in our sourdough. So I added 390 flour, plus 45 more from the starter ( assuming your starter is 100% hydration) to get 435 flour. Signs of over-proofing are: A huge puffy ball of dough after the end of the rising time. The water and other wet ingredients are absorbed into the flour. Can you just add more flour to your sourdough? Use a very sharp knife to cut a cross shape into the top of the . Even with parchment paper, the base of your bread is sitting on the hot base of the Dutch Oven causing it to cook more quickly. I baked a loaf this morning and I dont gone cute it until we ready to eat it. The solution here is to either use the exact same flour the recipe requires or adjusting hydration levels, watching the dough instead of ingredient ratios. There are plenty of methods for developing gluten, so its up to you to try out different variations and figure out which is best for you. CAUSE - Spreading can be caused by a few factors including under fermented or over fermented dough as well as poor shaping technique. CAUSE - a tight and or uneven crumb is generally caused by under fermentation, but can also be due to not having a mature or active starter. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The solution is to give it a few more folds after you add the dash of flour so that the flour mixes in fully and makes it more manageable. Step 3 - Total amount of flour is 80 grams + 600 grams = 680 grams. no one but me would notice or care). Required fields are marked *. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'crustylabs_com-box-4','ezslot_1',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crustylabs_com-box-4-0');It is completely normal for very high hydration doughs at more than 75% hydration to feel excessively slack, wet and sticky after the mixing phase. Bread has been baked too soon after shaping / under proofed. Sourdough made with bread flour can take up to 6 hours to cool properly. Often the bottom of your sourdough is burning. Carefully make it round again pushing the seams underneath. And sometimes the issue is the recipe. All original site content copyright 2023 The Fresh Loaf unless stated otherwise. Your dough can become sticky when you add too much water or the flour isn't suitable for the type of dough you are making. A strong, mature sourdough starter will reward you with amazing sourdough at your next bake. If you do have a watery starter, you'll need to adjust the amount of water in your dough or set about finding a solution to thicken it up. High temperatures can cause premature over fermentation, which will result in wet, sticky sourdough. When I first started baking, everything that could go wrong, went wrong; it felt borderline alchemy to me. When youve kneaded the bread dough enough, stretch it while looking at a light source. PROBLEM - Pale crust hasn't browned. After 30 minutes, take the parchment paper with the dough on it and place the entire thing in the preheated dutch oven. Third, cover and rest the dough for 30 minutes. Oiling our proofing basket will cause the oil to be absorbed and be ineffective in preventing the dough from sticking. The sticky side should only touch the dough. The crumb is open and definitely "finished" - the bread can be compressed and springs right back. After fermenting for too long, the gluten in the dough begins to break down, which leaves you with a thick, gloopy mass of flour and water with no way to make good sourdough. Some things to have on hand to work with really wet dough are: So how do you fix wet and sticky sourdough? Meanwhile chop the cranberries. Place the sourdough into the pot using the silicone sling or parchment paper as a handle. However, it is possible to get sticky sourdough that is hard to get out of the pan or cut into pieces. stickiness is usually not cooking off enough moisture. (12-15% protein content), plus extra for dusting 2 teaspoons fine sea salt Method. Making good sourdough bread is something that takes plenty of practice, but you can learn how to handle it fairly quickly. In my other courses, I teach how to bake all sorts of sourdough breads, but in this course, I won't load you down with lots of information, just enough so it is easy and fun to bake your first loaf of sourdough. Cheaters No Knead Dutch Oven Sourdough Bread: so EASY, only 6 ingredients, made in 1 bowl, 5 mins mixing, then just rise + bake time! Send your bread making problems to your name, your location, a method or recipe if possible and the temperature of your kitchen if you know it and we'll get to the bottom of your most common problems right here. You want to be fast enough to limit any sticking, but not too fast or you might make a mess. Gently pull the dough towards the edge. MAKE THE DOUGH Mix the sourdough starter and water together in a large mixing bowl - I use my dough whisk for this. SOLUTION - Allow your bread to cool for AT LEAST 90 minutes (much longer for rye bread). You might get a drier dough, but you wont get the same rise in the dough and a solid crust that you were expecting. Unfortunately, this results in tougher bread. This will give the sourdough a chance to find new pockets of sugars and starches to consume. What to do: This is a heavily over proofed dough. 3/4 cup (170g) active sourdough starter 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon salt Instructions Add all ingredients together in the bowl of a stand mixer with dough hook. Modified: Sep 13, 2022 by The Pantry Mama This post may contain affiliate links. When it comes to transferring your dough, kneading it, or shaping it, youll have a much easier time with the assistance of some additional water. And where in the process the wet, sticky dough is a problem. The exterior was perfectly brown. strengthening and maturing your sourdough starter. Mix, and add some spices, dried herbs, or even some cheese powder. Baking the Sourdough: Preheat your oven to 450F (225C) and a baking pan. It'll just take about 30 minutes in the fridge for the dough to firm until it's ready to roll. Stir vigorously until combined; it might look like a sticky, thick dough. But if you leave the flour, water, starter and salt to autolyse, the flour absorbs all the water and becomes fully hydrated. Simply combine your flour and water before any of the other ingredients, fully incorporating the flour. We actually followed this recipe twice, the first time was in the exact proportion mentioned with a hydration of 81% and "Betty" turned out tacky and moist. Always ensure that youre using the right techniques for your sourdough to build the most gluten. It has more energy than it should have left when it hits the oven - meaning you might get a great oven spring - but it destroys your scoring (and will more than likely be gummy inside). This makes it easier to handle. CAUSE - This odd shape is caused by under fermentation. It can also be called Fool's Crumb where the bread appears to have an "open crumb" however the holes are large and surrounded by an uneven, tight crumb that is not desirable. The dough that is autolysed also contains more gluten strands which is able to trap more water inside the dough. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The remaining water coats the outside of the dough, causing it to appear wet and sticky. Alternatively, you'll need to adjust the amount of starter in your dough to suit the temperature of your kitchen. Bread SOS Episode 5: STICKY / TACKY Sourdough Crumb. The uneven crumb occurs because fermentation has not been long enough to allow the gases produced by the yeast to evenly distribute, resulting in some larger holes (generally in the middle). - lower hydration in the total dough formula (already noted above). High hydration can be anything with 70% water content or higher. Next, add 8g fine sea salt. Similarly, the reason we use baking parchment paper when baking is to minimize the use of additional flour in the baking process. However, it shouldnt be so sticky that it is hard to knead. And wait longer before slicing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In a separate smaller bowl, add 220 grams of warm water. Extend your bulk fermentation time. Different types of mixers uses different mixing arm which develops the dough at different rates. Sourdough that has hydration levels of more than 72% tends to be sticky and tears apart easily when it is handled. Generally, a good hydration starting point is 75% or so when working with bread flour, 80% or so with whole wheat. After sourdough fermentation, the lactic acid bacteria produce acetaldehyde.